Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,067 disclosures

  1. Request received: 29 June 2024

    At the start of 2024 you ran a Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI) competition for decarbonising concrete.

    Can you please confirm the title, lead organisation name and confirmed participants for both (i) successful applicants and (ii) unsuccessful applicants.

    Published: 25 July 2024

  2. Request received: 2 July 2024

    For Innovate UK’s Innovate UK Smart grants: January 2024 competition (both the <18 months [<£500k] and > 18-month streams), please could you release the following information:

    1. The number of applications.

    2. The number of assessed applications.

    3. The number of successful applications.

    4. The success rate.

    5. The minimum successful score.

    6. The maximum successful score.

    7. Maximum score of failed applications.

    8. Average grant fund value per project.

    9. Average score of funded projects.

    10. The score distributions of the applications (e.g. % (or number) of applications which scored <70, 70.1-75, 75.1-80, 80.1-85, 85.1-90, 90.1-95, 95.1-100).

    11. The count of assessed applications by innovation area.

    12. The count of successful projects by innovation area for each strand.

    13. The count of assessed applications by research category (feasibility studies, industrial research, experimental development).

    14. The count of successful projects by research category.

    15. The number of unsuccessful applications, if any, which scored above the minimum funded score.

    Published: 24 July 2024

  3. Request received: 3 May 2024

    Clarification received: 10 May 2024

    If the information is available and you are able to share it could you please answer the following requests:

    [I have the information for Future Economy Investor Partnerships SME round 1 and 2. Please could you provide the information for the remaining investor partnerships?]

    1. The total number of submitted applications

    2. The number of assessed applications

    3. The number of successful applications

    4. The success rate

    5. The minimum successful score

    6. The maximum successful score

    7. Maximum score of failed applications

    8. Average grant fund value per project

    9. The score distributions of the applications (e.g. % (or number) of applications which scored <70, 71-75, 76-80, 81-85, 86+)

    10. The count of applications by innovation area

    11. The count of successful projects by innovation area

    12. The number of successful projects that were a consortium of 2 partners

    13. The number of successful projects that were a consortium of 3+ partners

    14. The number of successful projects which included a university or research partner

    15. The number of applications which included a university or research partner

    16. The number of 1) applications and 2) successful projects with total project cost within £100k increments

    17. I would also like to request the number of unsuccessful applications, if any, which scored above the minimum funded score, please.

    Published: 22 July 2024

  4. Request Received: 17 May 2024

    All the information you have including correspondence, notes, emails, agendas and other documentation relating to the Review of data, statistics and research on sex and gender led by Prof Alice Sullivan, made between 1 January 2023 and May 14th 2024.

    Published: 11 July 2024

  5. Request Received: 19 April 2024

    Please accept a FOI request for UKRI's umbrella organisations, including yourself (MRC).

    The request is for all research and study using EMF; and also cancer research and study - between 2000 and 2024 for both subject areas.

    Clarification Received: 9 May 2024

    For the "168 EM+Field" I'd like to add that it's the studies and trials into the effects on the human body that I'd like detail of, please, and...

    For the "Cancer" request, I'd like to add that it's the effects of EMF on cancer trials & studies that I'd like detail of, please.

    Can I please have results on any/every project in these categories.

    Published: 10 July 2024

  6. Request Received: 11 June 2024

    I am interested in obtaining the following information regarding the legal compliance of Monitoring Officers and Assessors.

    Each of the below specifics requires information year-on-year since 2022, which can be provided in Excel or Word format.

    1. How many Monitoring Officers do you have registered?

    2. How many Assessors do you have registered?

    3. What percentage of your Assessors are also Monitoring Officers?

    4. What percentage of your Assessors also have a role in the KTN?

    5. What percentage of your Assessors also have roles within another firm or independently are grant bid writers?

    6. How many Monitoring Officers are registered with the FCA and on hold a government Anti-Money Laundering registration status?

    7. How many Assessors are qualified under either A1, D32/D33 or TAQA awards?

    Published: 9 July 2024

  7. Request Received: 30 April 2024

    The annual cost of funding the UK in a Changing Europe think tank from 2014-2024.

    Published: 5 July 2024

  8. Request Received: 24 April 2024

    I would be very grateful if you were able to provide information per the revised request below.

    I am trying to better understand the funding process, and portfolio approach of Innovate UK.

    For the following competitions

    Innovate UK innovation loans future economy: round 11

    Innovate UK innovation loans future economy: round 12

    Innovate UK innovation loans future economy: round 13

    Could you kindly provide,

    Application Data: 1.

    Total number of applications.

    2.Total number of applications ineligible for assessment.

    3.Total number of applications passing stage 1 and getting to credit evaluation.

    4.Total number of applications considered a resubmission of a previous application.

    5.Total number of applications passing stage 1 and getting to credit evaluation, which were considered a resubmission of a previous application.

    6.The success rate for passing stage 1 and getting to credit evaluation

    7.The score of the lowest scoring project passing stage 1 and getting to credit evaluation.

    8.The score of the highest scoring project passing stage 1 and getting to credit evaluation .

    9.The score of the highest scoring project not passing stage 1 and getting to credit evaluation .

    10.The average (mean) score of projects passing stage 1 and getting to credit evaluation

    11.Average grant fund value of projects passing stage 1 and getting to credit evaluation

    12.The score distributions of the applications (eg. % (or number) of applications at Stage 1 which scored <70, 70.1-75, 75.1-80, 80.1-85, 85.1-90, 90.1-95, 95.1-100).

    13.The number of assessed applications by research category.

    14.The number of projects project passing stage 1 and getting to credit evaluation, by research category.

    15.The number of projects project passing stage 1 and getting to credit evaluation, by innovation area

    Published: 5 July 2024

  9. Request Received: 19 April

    1. What payments, if any, you made to Stonewall (officially Stonewall Equality Limited) in the financial year 2022/23.

    2. What payments, if any, you made to Stonewall (officially Stonewall Equality Limited) in the financial year 2023/24.

    3. What payments, if any, you expect to make to Stonewall (officially Stonewall Equality Limited) in the current financial year.

    Published: 5 July 2024

  10. Request Received: 12 March 2024

    Many thanks again for your helpful email this morning.

    Innovate UK's operations have expended and matured significantly since I last looked at these numbers which is excellent.

    I have an important question though.

    The numbers you have given me show large expenditures on grants to universities. The Innovate UK expenditure numbers in the UKRI Annual Report appear to exclude these (my assumption to make the two sources line up ; see attached spreadsheet).

    So I presume that the £731m in grants to universities in 2022/23 relates to grants AWARDED by Innovate UK, but funded from other research councils within UKRI.

    Could you confirm if this is correct?

    I further presume that the funding to universities covers their participation in collaborative R&D grants with companies and other institutions. Again could you confirm if this is the case?

    The role of collaborative R&D grants is an important part of the policy picture so I would like to ask if you could provide an additional analysis:

    Total Innovate UK expenditure on CR&D grants

    Value of these grants to companies

    Value of these grants to Catapults Value of these grants to universities

    Value of these grants to RTOs

    I presume you also have an existing measure of Innovate UK financial support to SMEs and large companies separately . Could you provide this if it is available please?

    Further to my earlier emails, I had not appreciated that the funding managed on behalf of other government departments by Innovate UK was so large.

    So please could you provide a breakdown of the total figure of £575,540,099 by the same headings as the breakdown of the £2318m of Innovate UK awards already provided in your response to my original FOI request.

    Published: 1 July 2024