FOI2025/00003: Internal Recruitment of SCS roles within UKRI
Case reference FOI2025/00003
Received 2 January 2025
Published 30 January 2025
Request Received: 2 January 2025
Thank you for the response to my request, published 3 Dec 2024, on UKRI's website titled "FOI2024/01031: Reasoning behind inconsistent internal and external recruitment of directors".
I have follow-up questions on the internal recruitment of SCS so am submitting a new request.
This website states, all SCS1 and SCS2 roles have been advertised externally by default, since 13 May 2022, unless a minister has authorised an exemption. This approval cannot be delegated.
1. Both BAS director roles cited in my aforementioned request (FOI2024/01031) were advertised as "Band X (SCS Pay Band 1)". It was not clear whether Band X is the same as SCS1 (including all policy requirements) or whether Band X is the equivalent of SCS1 for compensation purposes only. Please confirm whether the BAS Director of Polar Operations, Engineering and Infrastructure role (which was recruited internally) should have been subject to the external by default rules? If so, please state which minister authorised an exemption. If not subject to the rules, please explain the association between Band X and SCS1.
2. In your response (FOI2024/01031), you explained the BAS Director of Polar Operations, Engineering and Infrastructure role was recruited internally because the required experience highlighted your existing staff as your primary candidate pool, i.e., “BAS has a large cohort of existing staff with applicable operational experience in managing operations in Antarctica.” Please provide the number of internal staff who applied for the role and how many were interviewed.
Response Sent: 30 January 2025
Full details of this response are provided in the attached document.
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