Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,119 disclosures

  1. Request Received: 15 July2024

    I am requesting the following information.

    All new start employees for remote locations (non-UK) in the last 10 years (below information only):

    ·       Role

    ·       Start date

    ·       1st tour or re-tour

    ·       Length of tour

    ·       Gender

    ·       Age

    Published: 2 October 2024

  2. Request Received: 5 July 2024

    Please answer the following requests: For Smart Grants January 2024, by stream:

    1.The total number of submitted applications

    2.The number of assessed applications

    3.The number of successful applications

    4.The success rate

    5.the minimum successful score

    6.the maximum successful score

    7.maximum score of failed applications

    8.average grant fund value per project

    9.the score distributions of the applications (e.g. % (or number) of applications which scored <70, 71-75, 76-80, 81-85, 86+)

    10.the count of applications by innovation area

    11.the count of successful projects by innovation area

    12.The number of successful projects that were a consortium of 2 partners

    13.The number of successful projects that were a consortium of 3+ partners

    14.The number of successful projects which included a university or research partner

    15.The number of applications which included a university or research partner

    16.the number of 1) applications and 2) successful projects with total project cost within £100k increments

    17. the number of unsuccessful applications, if any, which scored above the minimum funded score, please.

    Published: 2 October 2024

  3. Request Received: 9 July 2024

    I am writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 for information from UKRI, in relation to the amount of funding awarded by Innovate UK in recent years.

    Applicable competition years:

    2021-22, 2022-23, 2023-24 and 2024-25 to date (including any upcoming competitions for which you hold details).

    Data requested:

    For each Innovate UK competition (i.e. those hosted on the Innovation Funding Service), please provide:

    • The total ‘funding pot’ size (for example, the April 2024 Smart Grant says “UK registered organisations can apply for a share of up to £25 million”)

    • Data on projects that received an offer of funding (i.e. the project passed assessment and went into setup):

    o Number of projects that received an offer of funding

    o Total funding offered to all projects

    o Average funding offer size

    Published: 2 October 2024

  4. Request Received: 6 June 2024

    I understand that recent awards have been for the excellent 'Innovation and Knowledge Centres’ - IKC’s.- for these most recent IKC awards or renewals, please could I have in electronic form, copies of the following :-

    1 The submissions from academic institutions that applied to run an IKC (whether successful or unsuccessful) and;

    2. The contractural terms of the awards under which successful IKC’s have been granted public funding.

    Published: 1 October 2024

  5. Request Received: 14 June 2024

    I'm writing to submit a freedom of information request:

    What training, if any, has been offered to EPSRC reviewers to assess narrative CVs submitted using the Resumé for Research and Innovation (R4RI) template? If training has been provided, please supply the documentation relating to it in electronic format.

    Published: 1 October 2024

  6. Request Received: 16 April 2024

    1.Under EIR please provide evidence that UKRI and Innovate UK are operating under a zero (or no, or low) support for fossil fuel based technology for research and/or funding. And also in relation to research and funding for pollution mitigation solutions from fossil fuels and technology.

    Clarification: we should take “evidence” to mean policy, or any documentation that states we are operating under a zero/low support for fossil fuel-based tech and research, or supressing the funding of research based on fossil fuels

    2.Please provide under EIR the documentation that the UKRI and Innovate UK are supposed to be researching zero emission at tailpipe technology.

    Published: 1 October 2024

  7. Request Received: 14 June 2024

    I'm writing to submit a freedom of information request:

    Was there an equality impact assessment prior to the EPSRC changing its assessment processes, so that instead of using primary and secondary criteria, prioritisation panels give equal weighting to a proposal's quality, importance, applicant and partnerships, and resources and management? If so, please provide an electronic copy of its findings.

    Published: 1 October 2024

  8. Request Received: 25 June 2024

    I am reaching out to request information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, which will be invaluable for my research into “Intellectual Property Management within UK Public Sector Organisations”.

    Specifically, I am interested in obtaining copies of the following documents related to your organization’s intellectual property practices:

    1. Intellectual Property Policy:

    • Documents that outline your organization's approach to the creation, management, protection, and commercialization of intellectual property (IP).

    2. Intellectual Property Strategy:

    • Documents that detail your strategic approach and plans for developing, safeguarding, and leveraging intellectual property assets; including procedures for identifying, documenting, protecting, and managing IP assets.

    The information provided by these documents will significantly contribute to my understanding of how intellectual property generated through research and innovation is managed and protected by your organization. Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated and will facilitate a comprehensive analysis of IP management practices.

    To help with this request, please consider the following:

    • Format: I would be grateful if you could provide the documents in electronic format (PDF or Word) and send them via email.

    • Time Period: If there have been updates or revisions, I would like to request the most recent versions. If there are multiple versions from the past five years, I would appreciate receiving those as well.

    • Additional Information: If there are any supplementary documents that provide context or further explain your Intellectual Property Policy and Strategy, I would appreciate receiving those too.

    Published: 30 September 2024

  9. Request Received: 25 July 2024

    Maintenance free connection systems to replace bolted flange connections on wind turbines

    Thanks for your reply.

    I would be really interested in this report. It seems a strange investment of £120k by the taxpayer if the results cannot be shared. Can you check up on situation for me? I have emailed GMC Ltd with no reply.

    [I am trying to find out more about a project shown below which I found listed in your Gateway to Research (GtR) website.

    Maintenance free connection systems to replace bolted flange connections on wind turbines

    Lead Participant: GMC Ltd

    Total Grant: £120,307

    Project Manager: Phil Jones

    The project is shown as finishing May 2021, with yourself as project manager, so I assume there is now a report made available to UK companies.

    I would very much like to see the report - can you send me a link to the report?]

    Published: 30 September 2024

  10. Request received: 31 August 2024

    In 2023 you ran a competition for Collaborative AI Solutions to improve productivity in key sectors.

    Can you please confirm the title, lead organisation name and confirmed participants for successful applicants?

    Published: 25 September 2024