Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,213 disclosures

  1. Request Received: 18 March 2025

    1) the score-breakdowns for all scored proposals submitted to the most recently completed round of the NERC Independent Research Fellowship scheme.

    2) If the scores are weighted in the decision-making process, I would also like the weights to be supplied.

    3) For each set of scores I would like an indicator as to whether the project was successfully funded or not.

    For the purposes of data protection, the titles and contents of the projects, the applicants and the feedback and reviews by panel and experts should not be included - just the numerical scores and a binary indicator of success. Clearly many proposals do not make it to the stage where they are scored, so I am not interested in data on these.

    Published: 28 March 2025

  2. Request Received: 29 January 2025

    Number of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller students who received UKRI funded PhD studentships per year for the last 5 years.

    Published: 25 March 2025

  3. FOI2025/00229: Request Received: 21 February 2025

    For Innovate UK’s Innovate UK Smart grants: July 2024 competition both the <18 month <£500k and >18 month streams, please could you release the following information:

    1. The number of applications.

    2. The number of assessed applications.

    3. The number of successful applications.

    4. The success rate.

    5. The minimum successful score.

    6. The maximum successful score.

    7. Maximum score of failed applications.

    8. Average grant fund value per project.

    9. Average score of funded projects.

    10. The score distributions of the applications (e.g. % (or number) of applications which scored <70, 70.1-75, 75.1-80, 80.1-85, 85.1-90, 90.1-95, 95.1-100).

    11. The count of assessed applications by innovation area.

    12. The count of successful projects by innovation area for each strand.

    13. The count of assessed applications by research category (feasibility studies, industrial research, experimental development).

    14. The count of successful projects by research category.

    15. The number of unsuccessful applications, if any, which scored above the minimum funded score.

    Published: 20 March 2025

  4. Request Received: 13 January 2025

    I am keen to understand how Tax payers money is being used on IT within your organisation, and who is responsible for the spends and departments.

    Could you please advise what your IT budget looks like for the coming Financial year and who would be responsible for each of the below key IT roles for each of the research councils under UKRI?

    IT Procurement Manager

    Commercial Manager

    Director IT

    Head of IT

    Cyber Security Manager

    Sustainability Manager

    If any of your titles are different please feel free to amend or add additional roles

    Published: 19 March 2025

  5. Request Received: 1 March 2025

    For the recent “UKRI-Southeast Asia collaboration on infectious diseases” call for applications, can you tell me:

    1. How many applications were received?

    2. Which UK institutions were the lead applicants for these applications?

    3. How many awards are or will be made?

    4. Which UK institutions are or will be in receipt of these awards?

    Published: 19 March 2025

  6. Request Received: 6 January 2025

    What is the headcount (number) of staff employed in communications, marketing, press and public affairs in your organisation?

    Published: 17 March 2025

  7. Request Received: 8 January 2025

    Correspondence to Heads of Research England-funded higher education providers has previously stated that Policy Support Fund allocation is £29m for three years from 2022/23 to 2024/25. (

    I would like to request internal briefing and policy documents prepared between 1 October 2024 and 8 January 2025 relating to plans and options for Policy Support Fund allocation for 2025/26 and beyond.

    Published: 17 March 2025

  8. Request Received: 8 January 2025

    Please tell me how many entrants applied for the quantum Missions pilot, under which UK registered businesses could apply for a share of up to £9.5 million for quantum computing and quantum networks from Innovate UK.

    Please also include details of whether they were applying for networks or computing and provide their details.

    Published: 17 March 2025

  9. Request Received: 10 January 2025

    Competition: Cyber Local, deadline 9 October 2024 (

    Please provide details on:

    1. The total number of evaluators who participated in the evaluation of the cyber local competition proposals,

    2. The number of evaluators who were also applicants,

    3. The success rates of proposals submitted by evaluators and the proposals that did not include evaluators,

    4. A breakdown of the above figures per region.

    5. Please provide any details on the training the evaluators received, NDAs and other contractual documentation the evaluators signed to protect the Intellectual Property of the proposals.

    6. Please provide details on how conflict of interest was managed for the applicants who were also evaluators.

    7. Please provide copy of the minutes from the panel meetings, showing the attendees at every stage.

    Published: 17 March 2025

  10. Request Received: 2 December 2025

    I understand that your annual subscription with Beauhurst is due to expired in Sept 2024 (Contract Reference: Bip801080665) Please advise the following:

    1. Your plans for renewing this contract?

    2. Your plans for reviewing the effectiveness of this product?

    3. Your plans for reviewing the market, prior to contact renewal to ensure the product is offering appropriate value for money, including timescales?

    4. The job-title and department of the person responsible for the day-to-day use of this product?

    Published: 14 March 2025