Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,058 disclosures

  1. Request Received: 12 March 2024

    Many thanks again for your helpful email this morning.

    Innovate UK's operations have expended and matured significantly since I last looked at these numbers which is excellent.

    I have an important question though.

    The numbers you have given me show large expenditures on grants to universities. The Innovate UK expenditure numbers in the UKRI Annual Report appear to exclude these (my assumption to make the two sources line up ; see attached spreadsheet).

    So I presume that the £731m in grants to universities in 2022/23 relates to grants AWARDED by Innovate UK, but funded from other research councils within UKRI.

    Could you confirm if this is correct?

    I further presume that the funding to universities covers their participation in collaborative R&D grants with companies and other institutions. Again could you confirm if this is the case?

    The role of collaborative R&D grants is an important part of the policy picture so I would like to ask if you could provide an additional analysis:

    Total Innovate UK expenditure on CR&D grants

    Value of these grants to companies

    Value of these grants to Catapults Value of these grants to universities

    Value of these grants to RTOs

    I presume you also have an existing measure of Innovate UK financial support to SMEs and large companies separately . Could you provide this if it is available please?

    Further to my earlier emails, I had not appreciated that the funding managed on behalf of other government departments by Innovate UK was so large.

    So please could you provide a breakdown of the total figure of £575,540,099 by the same headings as the breakdown of the £2318m of Innovate UK awards already provided in your response to my original FOI request.

    Published: 1 July 2024

  2. Request Received: 8 March 2024

    I was trying to identify the scores from recent competitions and whether any assessors were common across these applications.

    I've attached a screenshot of what I received from a previous FOI enquiry. As you can see, they have associated the assessor with their assessment score whilst still keeping things confidential.

    I was hoping to get an updated version of this to include a number of other projects so I could not only see the scores for each question but also see if any of the assessors scored us low on multiple different applications or decided to be awkward with their scoring. [redacted]

    I appreciate that it is a lot of work but the full list of applications that I would like to see are as follows:

    Faraday Battery Challenge Round 4 Innovation: R&D - Long Life Scalable Battery System for Electric & Hybrid Freight Rail Applications 1184 Faraday Battery Challenge Round 5 Innovation: Feasibility Studies - Robust Sealed For Life Battery Pack For Rail & Road Freight

    SBRI Competition: First of a Kind 3: Resilience, freight, noise & environment - Retrofit EURO 6 Diesel Hybrid System For Shunters & Other Freight Applications

    Innovate UK Smart Grants: August 2020 - Hybrid Electric Powertrain Conversion for Heavy Duty Mainline Freight Locomotives

    Innovate UK Smart Grants: July 2022 - Operate Any Diesel Rail Locomotive With Zero Emissions Using Overhead Electric Cables

    SBRI Competition: First of a Kind 2021 - Artificial Intelligence Driven Hydraulic Energy Recovery & Delivery for Rail Wagons

    SBRI Competition: First of a Kind 2021 - High Power Mainline Hybrid Electric Conversion For Freight Locomotives

    1152 SBRI Competion: First of a Kind 2022: Low emissions and a greener railway - Locomotive Electric Range Extender & Off Board Power Supply

    1153 SBRI Competion: First of a Kind 2022: Rail Freight - Self Powered Electric Wagons

    SBRI Competion: First of a Kind 2023: Reliable and Maintainable Assets Rail Demonstrations - If you can't measure it, change it until you can, aka Many hands make light work.

    Innovation Loans Future Economy Competition - Round 1 - Low Carbon Hybrid Electric Powertrain Replacement for Class 37 Mainline Freight Locomotive

    1206 Innovation Loans Future Economy Competition - Round 4 - Upcycled Class 66 Locomotive With Cutting Edge Electric & Hybrid Electric Powertrains

    Zero Emission Propulsion CR&D - Operate Any Diesel Rail Locomotive With Zero Emissions Using Overhead Electric Cables

    Some of these, the ones with the competition number associated with them are shown on the attached screenshot so these will remain unchanged aside from any of the five assessors who may have appeared sassessing other applications.

    Clarification received: 15 March 2024

    The actual list of projects I would be interest to find out the costing, and identify common scorers for, are as follows:

    Hybrid Electric Powertrain Conversion for Heavy Duty Mainline Freight Locomotives • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: Innovate UK Smart Grants: January 2020

    Semi-Autonomous Freight Rail Connectivity & Associated Damage Reduction Programme • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: The Sustainable Innovation Fund: round 2 (de minimis)

    Low Carbon Hybrid Electric Powertrain Replacement for Class 37 Mainline Freight Locomotive • Application number: [redacted]• Competition: Innovation continuity loans: Strand 2 August 2020 follow-on competition

    Low Carbon Hybrid Electric Powertrain Replacement for Class 37 Mainline Freight Locomotive • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: Innovation continuity loans: Strand 2 October 2020 follow-on competition

    Semi-Autonomous Freight Rail Connectivity & Associated Damage Reduction Programme • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: The Sustainable Innovation Fund: round 3 (temporary framework)

    Long Life Scalable Battery System for Electric & Hybrid Freight Rail Applications • Application number: [redacted]

    • Competition: Faraday Battery Challenge: Innovation R&D, Round 4 Hybrid Electric Powertrain Conversion for Heavy Duty Mainline Freight Locomotives • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: Innovate UK Smart Grants: August 2020

    Low Carbon Hybrid Electric Powertrain Replacement for Class 37 Mainline Freight Locomotive • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: Innovation Loans Future Economy Competition - Round 1

    Self Powered Electric Wagons • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: SBRI: FOAK 2022 Rail Freight

    Locomotive Electric Range Extender & Off Board Power Supply • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: SBRI : FOAK 2022 Low emissions and a greener railway

    Upcycled Class 66 Locomotive With Cutting Edge Electric & Hybrid Electric Powertrains • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: Innovation Loans Future Economy Competition - Round 4

    Robust Sealed For Life Battery Pack For Rail & Road Freight • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: Faraday Battery Challenge Round 5 Innovation: Feasibility Studies

    Operate Any Diesel Rail Locomotive With Zero Emissions Using Overhead Electric Cables • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: Innovate UK Smart Grants: July 2022

    Operate Any Diesel Rail Locomotive With Zero Emissions Using Overhead Electric Cables • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: Zero Emission Propulsion CR&D

    If you can't measure it, change it until you can, aka Many hands make light work. • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: SBRI: FOAK 2023 - Reliable and Maintainable Assets Rail Demonstrations

    Remote Control Self Levelling Mobile Platform For Rough Terrain • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: SBRI: FOAK 2023 High Speed Rail Systems Installation Demonstrations

    Clarification received: 18 March 2024

    Apologies, it looks like I made a spelling mistake and scoring got autocorrected to costing. I'm looking for the scoring for each section from each assessor, for each competition.

    Published: 1 July 2024

  3. Request Received: 11 March 2024

    Please can you provide me with the UKRI board meeting minutes from any meetings in December 2023, January 2024, February 2024 and March 2024.

    Published: 1 July 2024

  4. Request Received: 8 March 2024

    I am trying to better understand the funding process, and portfolio approach of Innovate UK.

    For the following competition Collaborative AI Solutions to improve productivity in key sectors

    Competition opens: Wednesday 27 September 2023 Competition closes: Wednesday 8 November 2023 5:00pm

    Could you kindly provide:

    Application Data:

    1. Total number of applications.

    2. Total number of applications ineligible for assessment.

    3. Total number of successful applications.

    4. Total number of applications considered a resubmission of a previous application.

    5. Total number of successful applications which were considered a resubmission of a previous application.

    6. The success rate.

    7. The score of the lowest scoring funded project.

    8. The score of the highest scoring funded project.

    9. The score of the highest non-funded project.

    10. The average (mean) score of funded projects.

    11. Average grant fund value of funded projects.

    12. The score distributions of the applications (eg. % (or number) of applications which scored <70, 70.1-75, 75.1-80, 80.1-85, 85.1-90, 90.1-95, 95.1-100).

    13. The number of assessed applications by research category.

    14. The number of successful projects by research category.

    15. The number of assessed applications by innovation area.

    16. The number of successful projects by innovation area.

    17. The number of unsuccessful applicants, if any, which scored above the minimum funded score.

    Published: 1 July 2024

  5. Request Received: 8 March 2024

    I am trying to better understand the funding process, and portfolio approach of Innovate UK. For the following competition

    Innovate UK Smart grants: June 2023

    Competition opens: Thursday 15 June 2023

    Competition closes: Thursday 28 September 2023 11:00am

    Could you kindly provide, Split into the 2 streams where possible:

    - <18 month stream [<£500k]

    - >18 month stream:

    Application Data:

    1. Total number of applications.

    2. Total number of applications ineligible for assessment.

    3. Total number of successful applications.

    4. Total number of applications considered a resubmission of a previous application.

    5. Total number of successful applications which were considered a resubmission of a previous application.

    6. The success rate.

    7. The score of the lowest scoring funded project.

    8. The score of the highest scoring funded project.

    9. The score of the highest non-funded project.

    10. The average (mean) score of funded projects.

    11. Average grant fund value of funded projects.

    12. The score distributions of the applications (eg. % (or number) of applications which scored <70, 70.1-75, 75.1-80, 80.1-85, 85.1-90, 90.1-95, 95.1-100).

    13. The number of assessed applications by research category.

    14. The number of successful projects by research category.

    15. The number of assessed applications by innovation area.

    16. The number of successful projects by innovation area.

    17. The number of unsuccessful applicants, if any, which scored above the minimum funded score.

    Published: 1 July 2024

  6. Request Received: 5 January 2024

    In issuing this submission, I make reference to the 2022 update on Researchfish, published by you here:

    Please conduct a search in your systems from January 2022 to December 2022 and kindly provide me with:

    a) Internal discussions of this incident that document how this affair evolved from UKRI's perspective. The term internal discussions includes but it is not limited to material contained in e-mails, WhatsApp messages, SMS, minutes, agendas, etc.

    In focussing this part of the request, please consider that the relevant documents and communications will likely stem from members of the UKRI Board, the Executive committee, and other subcommittees such as ARAC, OCC, People & Finance, etc.

    In focussing this part of the request, you can use reasonable keywords such as "Researchfish", "Tweets", "Interfolio", "Researchers", "Data protection", etc. These are just examples to aid you in your search. Conduct and guide the search from the moment complaints started to arrive up until the point UKRI considered the matter to be settled or December 2022.

    b) External discussions between UKRI and Researchfish/Interfolio about this affair. Note I am not interested in the e-mails that Researchfish sent UKRI to complain about the Tweets. I am interested in discussions and communications that followed after the complaints started to arrive. Once again, conduct the search from 01-2022 to 12-2022, and restrict it through appropriate keywords such as those shown in (a). Consider that the communications will likely be conducted with accounts ending in or, which should help you when refining this request.

    Published: 1 July 2024

  7. Request Received: 19 March 2024

    I am trying to better understand the funding process, and portfolio approach of Innovate UK. For the following competitions

    Innovate UK innovation loans future economy: round 11 Innovate UK innovation loans future economy: round 12 Innovate UK innovation loans future economy: round 13

    Could you kindly provide,

    Application Data:

    1.Total number of applications.

    2.Total number of applications ineligible for assessment.

    3.Total number of successful applications.

    4.Total number of applications considered a resubmission of a previous application.

    5.Total number of successful applications which were considered a resubmission of a previous application.

    6.The success rate.

    7.The score of the lowest scoring funded project.

    8.The score of the highest scoring funded project.

    9.The score of the highest non-funded project.

    10.The average (mean) score of funded projects.

    11.Average grant fund value of funded projects.

    12.The score distributions of the applications (eg. % (or number) of applications which scored <70, 70.1-75, 75.1-80, 80.1-85, 85.1-90, 90.1-95, 95.1-100).

    13.The number of assessed applications by research category.

    14.The number of successful projects by research category.

    15.The number of assessed applications by innovation area.

    16.The number of successful projects by innovation area.

    17.The number of unsuccessful applicants, if any, which scored above the minimum funded score.

    Published: 1 July 2024

  8. Request Received: 25 March 2024

    I am writing to make an open government request for all the information to which I am entitled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please would provide details of your current contract covering print equipment arrangements as follows

    1. Number of Multi-functional devices / photocopiers UK Research & Innovation / Research Councils

    2. Name of current supplier(s)

    3. Contract start date(s)

    4. Contract end date(s)

    5. Details of any extension options

    6. What framework used

    7. Number of regular/desktop printers (in addition to above)

    8. Is there a support contract on above, if yes state start/end date

    9. Does UKRI have a Print Room

    10. If yes, name of supplier, number of devices and start/end date of contract, also details of any extension options

    11. What print software does UKRI run

    12. Who at UKRI is responsible for this contract

    Published: 1 July 2024

  9. Request Received: 4 April 2024

    All publicly disclosable information regarding 1) the application to UKRI for and 2) internal approval of the Creative industries Policy and Evidence Center. I am particularly interested in securing the following:

    • The actual funding application and accompanying budget which led to the creation of the Creative Industries Center centre via the UKRI strategic fund and other documentation relating to this application.

    • Information regarding the selection and appointment of the inaugural director of the Centre,

    • Information and documentation associated with the stakeholder consultation process which took place prior to the submission of an application for the creation of the Creative Industries Center.

    • Information and documentation associated with the selection of universities which came to be affiliated with the new Creative Industries Center. I am particularly interested here in knowing how affiliates were selected and whether there was a competitive process.

    I believe this information is in the public interest and will be used for research purposes.

    Published: 1 July 2024

  10. Request Received: 8 April 2024

    Please detail the number of laptops, tablets and phones purchased by your department, as well as the average cost per device.

    Please provide this information by year (April to March, including this year) for the past three years. E.g.

    April 2021 - March 2022:

    · Laptops - 56 purchased | average cost of £780

    · Tablets - 12 purchased | average cost of £375

    · Phones - 80 purchased | average cost of £290

    Published: 1 July 2024