Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,154 disclosures

  1. Request Received: 28 November 2024

    For Innovate UK’s APC25: Industrialising net zero automotive technology, please could you release the following information:

    1. The number of applications

    2. The number of assessed applications

    3. The number of successful applications

    4. The success rate

    5. The minimum successful score

    6. The maximum successful score

    7. Maximum score of failed applications

    8. Average grant fund value per project

    9. Average score of funded projects

    10. The count of assessed applications by technology area (electric machines and power electronics, energy storage and energy management, lightweight vehicles and powertrain structures, fuel cell and associated balance of plant, thermal propulsion systems and alternative fuels, and digitalisation for development of low carbon vehicle innovation, data analytics, redesign, test and validation and verification).

    11. The count of successful applications by technology area (electric machines and power electronics, energy storage and energy management, lightweight vehicles and powertrain structures, fuel cell and associated balance of plant, thermal propulsion systems and alternative fuels, and digitalisation for development of low carbon vehicle innovation, data analytics, redesign, test and validation and verification).

    12. The count of assessed applications by research category (industrial research and experimental development).

    13. The count of successful projects by research category (industrial research and experimental development).

    Published: 20 December 2024

  2. Request Received: 23 November 2024

    I understand RRS James Cook was used for filming a TV drama in October 2024 in Cardiff Bay.

    Please provide the following information:

    1) The agreement with the TV production company for this filming.

    2) Any correspondence between 15 September 2024 and 30 October 2024 relating to the filming (either internal correspondence or correspondence between NERC and the production company).

    3) The length of the filming on RRS James Cook.

    Published: 12 December 2024

  3. Request Received: 4 October 2024

    1. The details of any office accommodation your organisation provides to staff to carry out trade union business. Please include details of:

    • space measured in square feet

    • how much of this space is contained within entirely separate buildings (i.e. occupied solely by staff carrying out trade union business)

    • whether a professional valuation of the market rental value of the space has been sought either in-house or externally, and if so, what the valuation of the space was

    • any charges the council levy for office space given to trade unions.

    2. Do you deduct trade union subscriptions for any of your employees via payroll (sometimes known as the "check off" system)? If so, do you charge a fee to the trade unions concerned for providing this service?

    3. With regard to trade union facility time, please provide the total cost of facility time from your pay bill for the financial year 2023/24 and the budget for the current financial year. Please also advise the current number of employees that you fund to be union officials, measured as full time equivalents? (For guidance on definitions please refer to the Government's Transparency Code for local government:

    4. Please advise any estimates for other costs met for those staff on trade union facility time apart from salaries - including travel expenses, office supplies, telephone expenses and energy bills.

    Published: 11 December 2024

  4. Request Received: 2 October 2024

    - The actual numerical formula used to calculate 24/25 institutional allocations for £29m Policy Support Fund

    - The data sources used as the basis for figures used in calculating 24/25 institutional allocations for Policy Support Fund.

    I have looked in some depth at available public documents but these do not contain the information I require relating to Policy Support Fund.

    Published: 10 December 2024

  5. Request Received: 4 October 2024

    I would be very grateful if you could please provide the below information on the UK Smart grants: April 2024 funding competition for both: a) Stream 1 projects (6-18 months duration, eligible project costs between £100K-£500K), and; b) Stream 2 projects (19-24 months duration, total eligible project costs between £100K-£1M). The information I would like to request is as follows:

    1. The total number of applications submitted and the number of those that were assessed (i.e. deemed eligible for funding);

    2. The overall number of applications awarded funding and a breakdown of how many of these were first-time applications and how many were resubmissions;

    3. The total number of applications within each innovation area and the number of those that were successful in each area;

    4. The average grant request and project size of the applications successfully awarded funding;

    5. The funding thresholds and average scores of successful applications;

    6. The percentages of successful applications that were Industrial Research and Experimental Development;

    7. The number of successful Industrial Research and Experimental Development projects that were (i) single applicant/partner, (ii) 2 partners, (iii) 3+ partner;

    8. The total funding allocated in this competition round.

    9. How many projects awarded went to project set up

    Published: 10 December 2024

  6. Response Received: 7 November 2024

    I would like to request the following information:

    A list of all rooms at:

    1. Bird Island Research Station

    2. King Edward Point Research Station

    3. Signy Research Station

    4. Rothera Research Station

    For each room, please provide:

    • The primary usage of the room (e.g., office, laboratory, teaching workshop, etc.).

    • The department or team to which the room is assigned.

    • The capacity of the room (e.g., number of occupants it can accommodate).

    Published: 4 December 2024

  7. Request Received: 1 October 2024

    I was reading the “UKRI Investment and Outputs Data 2023-20241” report and I was wondering if it was possible to get the data from “table 3” at the West Yorkshire level?

    Published: 3 December 2024

  8. Request Received: 4 November 2024

    Please provide copies of all decision-making communications within UKRI, NERC and BAS explaining:

    1. Why the recruitment for the BAS Director of Polar Operations, Engineering and Infrastructure was conducted internally, whereas recruiting for the BAS Director of Science is being conducted externally? Both director roles are graded as Band X (SCS Pay Band 1). The Director of Science role has been advertised on both the Civil Service Jobs website and UKRI's. Conversely, the Director of Polar Operations, Engineering and Infrastructure role was only advertised internally within BAS for 10 days.

    2. Why the BAS Director of Polar Operations, Engineering and Infrastructure vacancy was only posted 27 months after the previous incumbent had left, during which time an interim job holder had been appointed? Conversely, the Director of Science vacancy has been posted within weeks of the previous incumbent resigning.

    3. Which roles were on the interview panel for the BAS Director of Polar Operations, Engineering and Infrastructure?

    4. Which roles will be on the interview panel for the BAS Director of Science?

    Published: 3 December 2024

  9. Request Received: 25 September 2024

    I am requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 concerning the UK’s involvement in upcoming climate change mitigation projects. As someone deeply concerned about the urgent need to address the climate crisis, I would like to understand the government's role in exploring new techniques and partnerships to combat climate change, including geoengineering methods.

    Specifically, I am requesting the following information:

    1.Details of any upcoming or planned projects addressing climate change mitigation, particularly those involving geoengineering techniques.

    2.Information on partnerships or collaborations with other countries, organizations, or research institutions related to climate change initiatives.

    3.A list of techniques or technologies being explored as potential solutions to the climate crisis, such as Stratospheric Aerosol Injection, Solar Radiation Management, and other forms of geoengineering.

    4.Any assessments or evaluations of the most effective or promising techniques currently under consideration for combating climate change.

    5.Information on funding or financial allocations for these initiatives, including any future projections.

    Please provide the requested information in an electronic format. If any portion of this request is beyond your department’s scope, I would appreciate your guidance on where I might find the appropriate information

    Published: 2 December 2024

  10. Request Received: 16 September 2024

    If the information is available and you are able to share it could you please answer the following.

    For the UK-Switzerland CR&D Round 2 please can you provide:

    1. The number of applications

    2. The number of successful applications

    3. The success rate

    4. the minimum successful score

    5. the maximum successful score

    6. maximum score of failed applications

    7. the score distribution of the applications, <70, 70.1-75, 75.1-80, 80.1-85, >85

    8. details of the portfolio metrics applied e.g. theme/category

    9. the count of assessed applications by portfolio element

    10. the count of successful projects by portfolio element

    11. the highest successful score by portfolio element

    12. the lowest successful score by portfolio element

    13. average grant fund value per project

    14. average grant fund value per project by portfolio element

    15. total funds allocated

    Published: 2 December 2024