FOI release

FOI2021/00263: Sareum Holdings collaboration

Case reference FOI2021/00263

Published 26 July 2021


Request Received: 25 May 2021

Sareum Holdings - Investigating the therapeutic potential of TYK2 / JAK1 inhibitor SDC-1801 in severe phase Covid-19

The captioned UKRI funded study is described as 'Collaborative R&D'. Would you please confirm the identities of all parties involved in the collaboration.


Response Sent: 15 June 2021

Project 83721, "Investigating the therapeutic potential of TYK2 / JAK1 inhibitor SDC-1801 in severe phase Covid-19" is a single participant project, with Sareum Limited being the only participant.

The term 'Collaborative R&D' is the project category assigned to the overall competition, however this competition was open to single applicants and collaborative projects.

Information on all the successful projects for the competition UKRI Ideas to Address COVID-19: Innovate UK de minimis Aug 2020 is available as part of the Innovate UK funding competition winners transparency data.


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