FOI release

FOI2023/00243: Work in Antarctica and Bunger Oasis visibility

This request was refused in part, so we didn't provide some of the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference FOI2023/00243

Published 1 August 2023


Request Received: 2 May 2023

Upon researching the expeditions done by David Bunger and Admiral Byrd. And hearing how vast land of warm pools were present in Antarctica (called the Bunger Oasis) and mountains of coal as described by Byrd.

Their reports concluded that these findings were very important and deemed necessary to research further. So how come governments nowadays merely deem Antarctica as a no enter zone, government only, and nothing particularly exciting. Only ice and penguins here.

Judging by the first reports of the first explorers of Antarctica, and the apparent "Antarctic Treaty" that came into place that prevented any public person to go below 60 South latitude. The government are hiding both more land and more resources, whilst they continue to tax us for energy crisis and we still have homeless problems…

I would like information on the work being done in Antarctica. Because for there to be more and more bases being built on so called boring ice, then why is this? What is so exciting there? And why are these Bunger Oasis not visible on Google maps? Or any maps? Why are there not clear imagery from space satellites? Something is not adding up and I would appreciate information on what is being done there.


Response sent: 18 May 2023

Full details of this response are provided in the attached document.


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