FOI release

FOI2022/00395: Recognition vouchers

Case reference FOI2022/00395

Published 1 March 2023


Request Received: 8 December 2022

Follow up to FOI2022/00366 - recognition vouchers

Would you be able to provide information on the number and value of the recognition vouchers provided to employees over this period? I.e. not payments to Edenred. There should be no commercially sensitive information in this part of my request as it strictly relates to the rewards policy within the organisation, which is obviously in the public's interest, given it is taxpayers who will be paying for these rewards and deserve to be able to scrutinise them.

The vast majority of organisations that I have requested this information from have obliged, to the extent that Edenred's commercial interests would not be further impacted by the release of the information.


Response Sent: 16 December 2022

Full details of this response are provided in the attached documents.


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