FOI release

FOI2023/00647: Hydrogen Plant at Gordonbush Wind Farm

This request was refused in full, so we didn't provide the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference FOI2023/00647

Published 1 December 2023


Request received: 26 August 2023


I wish to ask questions under the above Act regarding SSE Renewables' plans to build an industrial hydrogen plant at Gordonbush Wind Farm in Strath Brora, Sutherland. I understand that SSE is seeking money under the UK Government's Net Zero Hydrogen Fund which you administer.


How much money have SSE applied for from your fund, and how much will you give them?


SSE has already received in excess of £22 million of public money in constraint payments, purely for the windfarm at Gordonbush. They have also received a grant of £304,000 from the Scottish Government for this industrial hydrogen plant, and are now seeking even more money from you under this fund. Given that the company has a reported a profit of £2.53 billion (of which SSE Renewables contributes £580 million), how does giving this non-British private enterprise yet more cash from the public purse represent good value for money?


Today Strath Brora, in which Gordonbush Wind Farm lies, hosts 73 wind turbines and a hydroelectric scheme. We already shoulder a disproportionate burden for renewable energy, both in real terms and on a per capita basis. If the UK Government backs the principle of Fair Net Zero how is supporting the over-development of Strath Brora considered equitable?


We believe that this project is ill-conceived and will have a hugely negative impact on our quality of life, the peaceful enjoyment of our homes and consequent stress and disruption. How can you justify supporting this project which clearly breaches basic human rights?


We who live in the Scottish Highlands pay amongst the highest electricity prices in Britain, whilst at the same time have the worst conditions contributing to fuel poverty: longer, colder winters; shorter winter daylight hours; older housing stock that cannot be brought up to modern standards. From our homes we also see chains of wind turbines producing 'renewable' electricity which goes anywhere but here. How does your body justify further financial support to SSE PLC which contributes to the excessive fuel prices we experience in rural areas?


There is enormous local opposition to this project in our rural community and, thus far, we have seen no public engagement from your body. a) How can those of us who will be negatively affected by this scheme contribute to your decision-making process? b) If you determine to support this project, what influence will your contribution of financial support have on the independence of the planning process?


SSE's ambition for the production of hydrogen here in Sutherland defies all logic; viz:

• The hydrogen from Gordonbush would be produced dozens of miles from the market for the product. It can only be delivered in massive 44-Tonne tankers, creating further damage to our already crumbling infrastructure and adding unnecessary carbon to our environment, whilst "decarbonising" elsewhere.

• The tanker movements on 8 miles of unfenced, single-track road with more than 20 blind bends, pose an obvious danger to crofters' livestock, wildlife, cyclists, runners, horse riders, leisure-seekers etc etc etc.

• Nobody visits the Highlands to experience heavy industry or giant tanker movements, six days a week on single track roads. The prosperity of our tourist economy will be directly threatened by SSE's project.

• SSE wants to abstract millions of litres of water from a local burn, and when that runs out pump it from our groundwater. We rely completely on private supplies from the groundwater for our domestic supply whilst SSE has a known history of damaging water supplies.

How do you justify supporting such an incongruous and destructive scheme purely on the self-interested claims of a profit-motivated developer?


Response Sent: 19 September 2023

Full details of this response are provided in the attached document.


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