FOI2024/01047: Collaborations between EPSRC and Elbit Systems
Case reference FOI2024/01047
Received 5 November 2024
Published 19 February 2025
Request Received: 5 November
The EPSRC funds "Cooperative Awards in Science and Technology" (CASE) studentships for UK-based STEM doctoral students working on projects alongside businesses. I would like to request the following information pertaining to collaborations between the EPSRC and Elbit Systems:
• Records of monetary transactions between the EPSRC and Elbit systems or between the EPSRC and the University bodies in the UK for CASE studentships, including the names of the Universities, departments and, if possible, research groups involved, dated appropriately.
• Records of funding from the EPSRC for any other research projects in collaboration with Elbit systems, again including the names of the institutions involved and dated appropriately.
• Records of the research output resulting from said studentships and projects.
I would like you to provide this information in either pdf or excel spreadsheet format to this email address. I have previously requested this information pertaining to BAE systems. I have forwarded your team's response to this previous request as an ideal example of how the information should be formatted (though I assume this is a "standard").
I would also further request that the cash value of the research grants is included as per my follow-up request to this previous FOI request.
Response Sent: 3 December 2024
Full details of this response are provided in the attached document.
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