FOI release

EIR2020/00309: Underwater Explosions

Case reference EIR2020/00309

Published 28 July 2021


Request Received: 18 September 2020

Further to this piece of work carried out by the BGS - - I am getting in touch to submit an FOI to establish what has happened since.

Specifically, I would like to know, for each year between 2005 and the date of this request, the number of underwater explosions recorded by the BGS in Beaufort's Dyke.

In addition, the areas listed below [list provided in attached document] are charted as disused dumping grounds for explosive material. Is it possible to get the number of explosions recorded by the BGS in these locations too? Ideally for the same time frame.

I'm happy to be guided by you in terms of what is a realistic time frame for this part of my request (and indeed Beaufort's Dyke) as obviously keen to keep the request within the scope of the FOI legislation and don't want to overstretch your team. So please do get back to me if I need to reword my request.


Response Sent: 16 October 2020

Full details of this response are provided in the attached documents.


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