FOI release

FOI2021/00227: Net Zero Projects

This request was refused in part, so we didn't provide some of the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference FOI2021/00227

Published 6 August 2021


Request Received: 27 April 2021

I am struggling to get a list of all funding allocated to all Net Zero projects to date. I have generated a list of all projects that were awarded funding but would it be possible to send me a list of those projects with their respective awards for Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the IDCF?


Response Sent: 21 May 2021

Under Section 21 of the FOIA - Information already reasonably accessible, some of the information you have requested is already available in the public domain. Section 21 is an absolute exemption which means that there is no requirement to conduct a public interest test.

We have however provided the requested information in the attached document "FOI2021-00227 Net Zero Projects_transparency".

You can also find relevant data relating to the projects that were awarded funding in the transparency dataset. This data covers:

• Competition 498 (1910_ISCF_CRD_CGI_DECARB_DEMONSTRATOR, ISCF Decarbonisation of Industrial Clusters: Deployment) - Phase 1;

• Competition 499 (1910_ISCF_CRD_CGI_DECARB_ROADMAPS, ISCF Decarbonisation of Industrial Clusters: Roadmaps) - Phase 1 and

• Competition 610 (2005_ISCF_CRD_IDC_CLUSTER_P2, ISCF Decarbonisation of Industrial Clusters Phase 2: Cluster Plan).

The below competitions are still in project setup, therefore the data on the projects that were awarded funding is not yet available. This information will be published at the above weblink once project setup is complete.

• Competition 607 (2006_BEIS_IND_ENG_TFUND, IETF Industrial Energy Efficiency and Decarbonisation Studies) and

• Competition 657 (2006_ISCF_CRD_IDC_DEPLOY_P2, ISCF Decarbonisation of Industrial Clusters Phase 2: Deployment)


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