FOI release

FOI2022/00362: Details of IT staff

This request was refused in full, so we didn't provide the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference FOI2022/00362

Published 17 August 2023


Received Date: 08 November 2022

Could you please provide mw with up to date names, job titles and email addresses for your Senior IT staff, such


Chief Information Officer

Chief Digital Officer

Chief Technology Officer

Head of Digital Transformation

Director of IT / ICT / IM&T / Digital / Information / Technology

Head of IT / ICT / IM&T / Digital / Information / Technology

IT / ICT / IM&T / Digital / Information / Technology Manager

Chief / Deputy Operating Officer

Head / Director of Cyber Security

ICT Project Manager

ICT Programme Manager

Network Manager / Head / Director

ICT Infrastructure

ICT Business Manager

Head of IT Procurement

ICT Officer

ICT Network Officer


Response sent: 05 December 2022

Under Section 21 - Information already reasonably accessible, of the FOIA the following information you have requested is already available in the public domain:

 Details of UKRI's executive committee (which includes the Chief Operating Officer) can be found here

 Details of UKRI's board members, including the Chair of UKRI, is available here

 Contact details for UKRI, including telephone number and email address can be found here

We are exempting the names and job titles of staff members whose details are not already in the public domain where there is a similar role to those specified, as well as the personal contact details of all individuals under section 40(2) of the FOIA. Disclosing this information would contravene the first Data Protection Principle as defined under Section 86 of the Data Protection Act 2018 and Article 5 of EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) 2016.

Section 40(2) is an absolute exemption and does not require a public interest test.

(hyperlinks are provided in the attached copy)


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