FOI release

FOI2022/00072: University of Leicester academics engaged in BBSRC peer review

This request was refused in part, so we didn't provide some of the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference FOI2022/00072

Published 1 July 2022


Request Received: 1 March 2022

I am enquiring to ask if the BBSRC keeps a record of which of academics attend panel meetings. We would like to identify Leicester academics engaged in BBSRC peer review, and to use this internal expertise to help us further improve our BBSRC funding culture and bid quality.

I can see from BBSRC information that here at Leicester we have a number of Full College Members and several within the Pool of Experts as well. We are interested in assessing this cohort, in terms of the following three things:

1. No. of reviews completed for BBSRC in last 3 years

2. No. of panel meetings attended over last 3 years

3. Type of panel meeting / grant scheme attended

May I ask, do you have access to a data set that would allow the above information to be generated? This would be a massive help.

Clarification received 25 March 2022

Please clarify whether on question 1. No. of reviews completed for BBSRC in last 3 years, you are seeking information on the number of grant proposals at BBSRC Committee meetings that were assigned to and assessed by University of Leicester members of the cohort of full college members and pool of experts, or if you would like information on the number of reviews completed by external peer reviewers.

I am looking for information on the former (I assume the latter is confidential information). So the number of University of Leicester members who were on the Panels as full committee members or used from the pool of experts.


Response Sent: 11 April 2022

Full details of this response are provided in the attached document.


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