FOI release

FOI2023/00745: Five Eyes / Unidentified Aerial Phenomena

Some or all of the information requested was not provided because we didn't hold it.

Case reference FOI2023/00745

Published 4 January 2024


Request Received: 2 October 2023

I politely request any and all communications, records, files, documents or other forms of media concerning or pertaining to any and all interactions with 'Five Eyes' partners (New Zealand, Australia, Canada, United States) or internal records about the following topics:

- Reporting, investigation, threat analysis and mitigation of 'unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) flight safety risks and actual or near mid-air collisions with UAP. This includes any statistics related to UAP and flight safety and accidents or other security concerns.

- A or the 'foreign materials programme' (FMP), which may be based in 'Five Eyes' partners or the U.K.

- Or concerning data sharing, contact or operations involving 'UAP' or unidentified anomalous phenomena with 'Five Eyes' partners.

- Or data sharing, contact or operations with 'Five Eyes' partners concerning the study, exploitation, recovery, reverse-engineering and investigation of material, phenomena or entities of an unknown origin or an origin attributed to a consciousness/intelligence which is other than or subsumes humanity or human consciousness/intelligence as it exists today.

- Or concerning the implications or consequences of UAP or non-human intelligence (NHI) topics related to either or a component of the National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA) 2023, or NDAA 2024.

Sub-Topics which intersect with the above-parameterised information request may include but are not limited to:

- Procurement, contracts and expenditure
- Details of spending over £25,000 (monthly).
- Details contracts and tenders worth over £10,000.
- Details of government procurement card spend over £500.
- Investment plans
- Details of responsibilities assigned to personnel
- Locations
- Contact details
- Agreements, deals or treaties with allies
- Digital or physical communications either inter or intra-departmental


Response Sent: 17 October 2023

Full details of this response are provided in the attached documents.


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