FOI release

FOI2020/00318: Learning & Development Expenditure

This request was refused in part, so we didn't provide some of the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference FOI2020/00318

Published 17 June 2021


Request Received: 25 September 2020

1. External training spend in the previous 3 fiscal years (2017/18, 2018/19, 2019/20) in UK Research and Innovation, broken down by:

a. Amount spent through the Civil Service Learning contract and amount spent to deliver external training through other contracts

b. Under the Civil Service Learning Contract

i. Amount spent on online/digital delivery versus amount spent on in-person delivery

ii. Amount of spend allocated for bespoke courses specifically developed for your needs and amount of spend allocated for 'off-the-shelf' training material

2. Breakdown of the 2019/20 external training spend through the CSL contract in UK Research and Innovation by course, including:

a. Total amount spent per course

b. Total number of learners per course

c. Training provider that delivered the course

d. Course delivery method - i.e. online/digital or in-person

e. Name of course

f. Subject area of course

3. External training budget for 2020/21 fiscal year in UK Research and Innovation, broken down by:

a. Budget to spend through the Civil Service Learning contract

b. Budget to spend on the delivery of external training through other contracts

4. Any analysis undertaken on how your department's training needs have shifted this year compared to previous years.

For example, are you planning greater emphasis on Leadership & Management courses or training delivered through digital/online courses?

5. Total number of civil service employees working in UK Research and Innovation (please provide latest available data)


Response Sent: 28 October 2020

Full details of this response are provided in the attached documents.


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