FOI release

FOI2024/01173: Radio Frequency Signal on 20 August 2001

Some or all of the information requested was not provided because we didn't hold it.

Case reference FOI2024/01173

Received 8 December 2024

Published 21 January 2025


Request Received: 8 December 2024

I have been studying the case of the crop circle known as: "The response to the signal sent by the Arecibo radio telescope", which appeared on August 20, 2001, next to the Chilbolton radio telescope.

I am curious to know if, by chance, there was a record of any radio frequency signal captured on that date that could be related to the appearance of the aforementioned crop circle.

Would you please provide me with this information?


Response Sent: 12 December 2024

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) do not hold any information relevant to your request.

The 25m antenna at the Chilbolton Observatory has not been used as a radio telescope since the 1980s. It is now only used as a radar and is not capable of detecting radio frequency signals, therefore no relevant data is held for the date indicated.


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