FOI release

FOI2024/00353: CEO Emails with UKRI Board

Some or all of the information requested was not provided because we didn't hold it.

Case reference FOI2024/00353

Received 6 March 2024

Published 28 June 2024


Request received: 6 March 2024

Under FOIA, please share emails between your CEO and the UKRI Board related to her decision to not seek re-appointment in 2025 and/or her resignation before then. Search for the past 5 months, until today (06-03-24)


Response Sent: 14 May 2024

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) do not hold any information relevant to your request.

Searches were conducted for emails between the UKRI email account of Professor Dame Ottoline Leyser and the UKRI Board Secretariat, with the key words of "reappointment" OR "resignation", between the dates of 6 October 2023 and 6 March 2024. No results relevant to Professor Leyser's decision not to seek reappointment were returned.

We also enquired directly with the CEO Office, who confirmed that no correspondence within scope of your request is held.

To provide additional context, Professor Leyser was appointed UKRI CEO on a fixed term, five-year secondment from the University of Cambridge which comes to an end in June 2025. Therefore, she will neither be resigning nor stepping down from her position as CEO.

Given this context and the above searches conducted, we reasonably conclude that no information is held that falls within scope of your request.


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