FOI release

FOI2021/00075: Panels & Applications

Case reference FOI2021/00075

Published 24 June 2021


Request Received: 15 February 2021

I would like to request the following information:

1. For each of the 358 applications to the MRC Methodology Research Panel in Table 2 [of FOI2020/00430] over the period 2015-2019, I would like the following three variables:

• Whether the application was from a PI/Co-PI serving on the panel (yes/no)

• Whether the application was successful or unsuccessful (yes/no)

• The average reviewer score for each application (mean or median)

In order to preserve anonymity, the rows of the data set could be randomly permuted so that they were not in chronological order.

2. If request 1. is approved, I would like to request exactly the same information across the following MRC funding panels for the same period, in order to put the results of the methodology panel in proper context. Specifically:

• Infections & Immunity Board

• Neurosciences & Mental Health Board

• Molecular & Cellular Medicine Board

• Population & Systems Medicine Board

• Developmental Pathway Funding Scheme

• Applied Global Health Research Board

• Experimental Panel


Response Sent: 12 March 2021

Full details of this response are provided in the attached documents.


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