FOI release

FOI2024/00023: Collaborative and Single Partners

Case reference FOI2024/00023

Published 1 May 2024


Request Received: 8 January 2024

Ask the question by taking the FOI response and the percentage split (80/20) between Collaborative and Single Partners.

How many collaborative applications were declined, and how many single-partner applications?

Clarified 19 January 2024

Regarding your request, is the above in reference to:

The two competition strands: "Collaborative AI Solutions to improve productivity in key sectors" & "AI Solutions to improve productivity in key sectors"

And are you interested in the number of unsuccessful applications, or the number of ineligible applications (not sent for assessment)? Or both?

Responded: I would ask for both please


Response Sent: 7 February 2024

Full details of this response are provided in the attached document.


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