FOI release

EIR2023/00091: 100% SAF Net Zero Flight

This request was refused in part, so we didn't provide some of the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference EIR2023/00091

Published 5 June 2023


Request Received: 22 February 2023

I'm writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act. My request relates to the net zero London to New York flight detailed on here [].

I'm writing to request the following.

1) A full breakdown of how the up to £1 million in government funding for the project will be spent.

2) A copy of Virgin Atlantic's proposal for the project.

3) Any correspondence in which the funding recommendation by Innovate UK for Virgin Atlantic's proposal was discussed.

Clarification Received: 22 March 2023

Correspondence search terms of "Virgin" AND "net zero" AND "transatlantic flight" between 14.05.22 and 16.12.22


Response Sent: 26 April 2023

Full details of this response are provided in the attached documents.


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