FOI release

FOI2024/00230: Assessor Scoring & Details

This request was refused in part, so we didn't provide some of the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference FOI2024/00230

Received 8 March 2024

Published 1 July 2024


Request Received: 8 March 2024

I was trying to identify the scores from recent competitions and whether any assessors were common across these applications.

I've attached a screenshot of what I received from a previous FOI enquiry. As you can see, they have associated the assessor with their assessment score whilst still keeping things confidential.

I was hoping to get an updated version of this to include a number of other projects so I could not only see the scores for each question but also see if any of the assessors scored us low on multiple different applications or decided to be awkward with their scoring. [redacted]

I appreciate that it is a lot of work but the full list of applications that I would like to see are as follows:

Faraday Battery Challenge Round 4 Innovation: R&D - Long Life Scalable Battery System for Electric & Hybrid Freight Rail Applications 1184 Faraday Battery Challenge Round 5 Innovation: Feasibility Studies - Robust Sealed For Life Battery Pack For Rail & Road Freight

SBRI Competition: First of a Kind 3: Resilience, freight, noise & environment - Retrofit EURO 6 Diesel Hybrid System For Shunters & Other Freight Applications

Innovate UK Smart Grants: August 2020 - Hybrid Electric Powertrain Conversion for Heavy Duty Mainline Freight Locomotives

Innovate UK Smart Grants: July 2022 - Operate Any Diesel Rail Locomotive With Zero Emissions Using Overhead Electric Cables

SBRI Competition: First of a Kind 2021 - Artificial Intelligence Driven Hydraulic Energy Recovery & Delivery for Rail Wagons

SBRI Competition: First of a Kind 2021 - High Power Mainline Hybrid Electric Conversion For Freight Locomotives

1152 SBRI Competion: First of a Kind 2022: Low emissions and a greener railway - Locomotive Electric Range Extender & Off Board Power Supply

1153 SBRI Competion: First of a Kind 2022: Rail Freight - Self Powered Electric Wagons

SBRI Competion: First of a Kind 2023: Reliable and Maintainable Assets Rail Demonstrations - If you can't measure it, change it until you can, aka Many hands make light work.

Innovation Loans Future Economy Competition - Round 1 - Low Carbon Hybrid Electric Powertrain Replacement for Class 37 Mainline Freight Locomotive

1206 Innovation Loans Future Economy Competition - Round 4 - Upcycled Class 66 Locomotive With Cutting Edge Electric & Hybrid Electric Powertrains

Zero Emission Propulsion CR&D - Operate Any Diesel Rail Locomotive With Zero Emissions Using Overhead Electric Cables

Some of these, the ones with the competition number associated with them are shown on the attached screenshot so these will remain unchanged aside from any of the five assessors who may have appeared sassessing other applications.

Clarification received: 15 March 2024

The actual list of projects I would be interest to find out the costing, and identify common scorers for, are as follows:

Hybrid Electric Powertrain Conversion for Heavy Duty Mainline Freight Locomotives • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: Innovate UK Smart Grants: January 2020

Semi-Autonomous Freight Rail Connectivity & Associated Damage Reduction Programme • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: The Sustainable Innovation Fund: round 2 (de minimis)

Low Carbon Hybrid Electric Powertrain Replacement for Class 37 Mainline Freight Locomotive • Application number: [redacted]• Competition: Innovation continuity loans: Strand 2 August 2020 follow-on competition

Low Carbon Hybrid Electric Powertrain Replacement for Class 37 Mainline Freight Locomotive • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: Innovation continuity loans: Strand 2 October 2020 follow-on competition

Semi-Autonomous Freight Rail Connectivity & Associated Damage Reduction Programme • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: The Sustainable Innovation Fund: round 3 (temporary framework)

Long Life Scalable Battery System for Electric & Hybrid Freight Rail Applications • Application number: [redacted]

• Competition: Faraday Battery Challenge: Innovation R&D, Round 4 Hybrid Electric Powertrain Conversion for Heavy Duty Mainline Freight Locomotives • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: Innovate UK Smart Grants: August 2020

Low Carbon Hybrid Electric Powertrain Replacement for Class 37 Mainline Freight Locomotive • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: Innovation Loans Future Economy Competition - Round 1

Self Powered Electric Wagons • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: SBRI: FOAK 2022 Rail Freight

Locomotive Electric Range Extender & Off Board Power Supply • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: SBRI : FOAK 2022 Low emissions and a greener railway

Upcycled Class 66 Locomotive With Cutting Edge Electric & Hybrid Electric Powertrains • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: Innovation Loans Future Economy Competition - Round 4

Robust Sealed For Life Battery Pack For Rail & Road Freight • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: Faraday Battery Challenge Round 5 Innovation: Feasibility Studies

Operate Any Diesel Rail Locomotive With Zero Emissions Using Overhead Electric Cables • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: Innovate UK Smart Grants: July 2022

Operate Any Diesel Rail Locomotive With Zero Emissions Using Overhead Electric Cables • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: Zero Emission Propulsion CR&D

If you can't measure it, change it until you can, aka Many hands make light work. • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: SBRI: FOAK 2023 - Reliable and Maintainable Assets Rail Demonstrations

Remote Control Self Levelling Mobile Platform For Rough Terrain • Application number: [redacted] • Competition: SBRI: FOAK 2023 High Speed Rail Systems Installation Demonstrations

Clarification received: 18 March 2024

Apologies, it looks like I made a spelling mistake and scoring got autocorrected to costing. I'm looking for the scoring for each section from each assessor, for each competition.


Response Sent: 8 April 2024

Full details of this response are provided in the attached document.


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