FOI release

FOI2020/00126: Project Lexicon

Some or all of the information requested was not provided because we didn't hold it.

Case reference FOI2020/00126

Published 15 July 2021


Request Received: 12 May 2020

Could I get details of the process behind the Construction Innovation Hub's decision to award funding jointly to the BRE and the Construction Products Association, for a project called 'Lexicon'?

I'm interested in what the brief / specification was for this funding, who bidded for the funding and ultimately why the BRE and CPA were awarded funding?

I'd also like to know exactly how much funding was awarded and what it will be used for?

Finally, I'd be interested to understand how and why it was deemed appropriate for the Construction Innovation Hub, which is jointly operated by the BRE, to award public funds to the BRE?


Response Sent: 2 June 2020

Whilst UKRI invested funding to establish the Construction Innovation Hub (CIH), the CIH act and decide independently from UKRI how best to distribute the funds at their disposal. We would recommend forwarding your enquiry directly to the Construction Innovation Hub.


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