FOI release

FOI2024/00274: STFC Live Chat/Web Chat Tool

Some or all of the information requested was not provided because we didn't hold it.

Case reference FOI2024/00274

Published 17 April 2024


Request Received: 27 March 2024

Dear Science and Technology Facilities Council,

The information that we require, under the Freedom of Information Act, is as follows:

1) Do you use a tool for live chat/ web chat?

2) If so, which supplier do you use for this tool?

3) How much do you spend annually on a live chat/ web chat tool?

4) Which month & year does your contract with your supplier end?

5) Who is the budget holder for this contract?

Live chat is a tool that connects customers with actual, human support representatives. This allows your users to resolve issues in real time. Using live chat, customers can get answers quickly. They'll spend less time waiting to find a solution or sifting through a knowledge base on your website.


Response Sent: 17 April 2024

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) do not hold any information relevant to your request.

STFC do not have a dedicated external facing live chat/web chat system. Therefore, the remainder of your questions are not applicable.


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