FOI release

FOI2021/00343: Creative Industries Fund Applications

Some or all of the information requested was not provided because we didn't hold it.

Case reference FOI2021/00343

Published 6 August 2021


Request Received: 27 July 2021

Please could you provide the following information in regards to the recent Creative industries fund: fast start business growth pilot:

• the total number of applications

• the number of assessed applications (not disregarded due to being deemed out of scope etc)

• the number of applications funded

• the number of applications funded per 'innovation area'

• the average funding amount per project

• the smallest and largest amount of funding per project

• the average score of all applications

• the average score of successful applications

• the success threshold

• decision-making process based on portfolio (ie, why higher scoring projects might not get funded and lower scoring project get funded).


Response Sent: 6 August 2021

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) do not hold the information relevant to your request. Please see the information below.

The competition "Creative industries fund: fast start business growth pilot" is still in the assessment stages and therefore final competition information is not yet available.

As per the information published in the 'Dates' section of the competition brief it is expected that decisions will be made and applicants notified of the results on 9 August 2021. If you still wish to receive this information, please resubmit your request after this date.


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