FOI release

FOI2023/00157: Station B, Deception Island

Case reference FOI2023/00157

Published 1 June 2023


Request Received: 24 March 2023

I am writing to request information regarding Station B on Deception Island in the South Shetland Islands.

Specifically my question relates to Priestly House, erected in 1966. The station was abandoned in 1969 due to volcanic activity, though I note that Argentina still maintains a seasonal base (Deception Base) on the island.

The BAS site states that when RRS John Biscoe visited Deception in 1985 Priestly house was found to be 'missing'.

My questions therefore are:

1. Is this the case? ie is Priestly House no longer there?

2. Has any investigation been led into the whereabouts of Priestly House, whether it was dismantled or destroyed or by whom? If so what we're the findings?

3. Considering 1985 (when it was found to be missing) was shortly after the Falklands War it is likely that it was removed / destroyed by Argentina to prevent reoccupation of Base B by the BAS - does any information point to this being the case? Was it ever asked or admitted to?

4. If Argentina was found to have destroyed part of a British base between 1969 and 1985 (a period covered by the Antarctic Treaty) what are the implications for the Treaty?


Response Sent: 21 April 2023

Full details of this response are provided in the attached document.


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