FOI release

FOI2024/00209: Follow up to FOI2024/00109

Case reference FOI2024/00209

Received 12 March 2024

Published 1 July 2024


Request Received: 12 March 2024

Many thanks again for your helpful email this morning.

Innovate UK's operations have expended and matured significantly since I last looked at these numbers which is excellent.

I have an important question though.

The numbers you have given me show large expenditures on grants to universities. The Innovate UK expenditure numbers in the UKRI Annual Report appear to exclude these (my assumption to make the two sources line up ; see attached spreadsheet).

So I presume that the £731m in grants to universities in 2022/23 relates to grants AWARDED by Innovate UK, but funded from other research councils within UKRI.

Could you confirm if this is correct?

I further presume that the funding to universities covers their participation in collaborative R&D grants with companies and other institutions. Again could you confirm if this is the case?

The role of collaborative R&D grants is an important part of the policy picture so I would like to ask if you could provide an additional analysis:

Total Innovate UK expenditure on CR&D grants

Value of these grants to companies

Value of these grants to Catapults Value of these grants to universities

Value of these grants to RTOs

I presume you also have an existing measure of Innovate UK financial support to SMEs and large companies separately . Could you provide this if it is available please?

Further to my earlier emails, I had not appreciated that the funding managed on behalf of other government departments by Innovate UK was so large.

So please could you provide a breakdown of the total figure of £575,540,099 by the same headings as the breakdown of the £2318m of Innovate UK awards already provided in your response to my original FOI request.


Response Sent: 8 April 2024

Full details of this response are provided in the attached document.


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