FOI release

FOI2023/00387: ChaptGPT and AI Council

Case reference FOI2023/00387

Published 5 September 2023


Request Received: 22 June 2023

I'd like the following:

1) Any correspondence between UKRI and the AI Council that mentions the term "ChatGPT" or variations such as "Chat-GPT" or "Chat GPT".

Please limit the search to between November 14, 2022 and June 21, 2023, inclusive.

If this search would exceed the likely cost limit for FOI requests, then please advise on ways I might constrain the search terms/time period for this request.

Clarification Received: 29 June 2023

Is it possible to test two different scope limitations and see how many results they return?

For the first, could I suggest the same search [terms] but limit the time period from November 14 2022, to December 31 2022.

And for the alternative could I suggest the same search terms and period as before (so November 14, 2022, to June 21, 2023) but narrow the search terms so it includes "AI Council" AND ("Chat GPT" OR "Chat-GPT" or "ChatGPT") AND ("Existential Risk" or "Extinction Risk" or "X- Risk")


Response Sent: 25 July 2023

Full details of this response are provided in the attached documents.


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