FOI release

FOI2019/00028: Scope & Design of the Future Leaders in Innovation Policy (FLIP) Programme

This request was refused in full, so we didn't provide the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference FOI2019/00028

Published 5 July 2021


Request Received: 16 December 2019

Any assessors' notes and correspondence in relation to Matter Innovation's bid to the procurement 'Scope & Design of the Future Leaders in Innovation Policy (FLIP) Programme'


Response Sent: 15 January 2020

I can neither confirm nor deny whether UK Research and Innovate (UKRI) holds the information you have requested.

Section 41(1) provides that information is exempt from disclosure if such disclosure would constitute an actionable breach of confidence. Section 41(2) provides an exclusion from the duty placed on a public authority such as UKRI to confirm or deny the existence of the information if the act of confirming or denying would itself result in an actionable breach of confidence. We believe that is the case in regard to your request.

The terms of the exemption in the FOIA mean that UKRI do not have to consider whether or not it would be in the public interest for us to reveal whether or not the information is held.

The fact section 41 of the FOIA has been cited should not be taken as an indication that the information you requested is or is not held by UKRI.


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