FOI release

FOI2023/00744: Telephone Maintenance contract

Some or all of the information requested may not have been provided because the request was identical or substantially similar to a previous request from the same requester.

Case reference FOI2023/00744

Published 4 January 2024


Request Received: 29 September 2023

I would like to request information under the Freedom of Information Act. The information that I require relates to a specific telephone maintenance contract.

The contract information sent by the organisation previously has now expired please can you provide me with a new update of the telephone maintenance contract:

Please can you send me the following contract information with regards to the organisation's telephone system maintenance contract (VOIP or PBX, other) for hardware and Software maintenance and support if all the information is still the same besides the contracts dates please send just the new contract dates. It would be much appreciated. 1. Co

ntract Type: Maintenance, Managed, shared (If so, please state orgs)

2. Existing Supplier: If there is more than one supplier, please split each contract up individually.

3. Annual Average Spend: The annual average spends for this contract and please provide the average spend over the past 3 years for each provider

4. Hardware Brand: The primary hardware brand of the organisation's telephone system.

5. Number of telephone users:

6. Contract Duration: please include any extension periods.

7. Contract Expiry Date: Please provide me with the day/month/year.

8. Contract Review Date: Please provide me with the day/month/year.

9. Application(s) running on PBX/VOIP systems: Applications that run on the actual PBX or VOIP system. E.g., Contact Centre, Communication Manager.

10. Telephone System Type: PBX, VOIP, Lync etc

11. Contract Description: Please provide me with a brief description of the overall service provided under this contract.

12. Go to Market: How where these services procured, please provide me with either the tender notice or the framework reference number. Please specify if procured through other routes.

13. Contact Detail: Of the person from within the organisation responsible for each contract full Contact details including full name, job title, direct contact number and direct email address.

If the service support area has more than one provider for telephone maintenance, then can you please split each contract up individually for each provider.

If the contract is a managed service or is a contract that provides more than just telephone maintenance, please can you send me all the information specified above including the person from within the organisation responsible for that particular contract.

If the maintenance for telephone systems is maintained in-house, please can you provide me with:

1. Number of telephone Users:

2. Hardware Brand: The primary hardware brand of the organisation's telephone system.

3. Application(s) running on PBX/VOIP systems: Applications that run on the actual PBX or VOIP system. E.g., Contact Centre, Communication Manager.

4. Contact Detail: Of the person from with the organisation responsible for telephone maintenance full Contact details including full name, job title, direct contact number and direct email address.

Also, if the contract is due to expire, please provide me with the likely outcome of the expiring contract. If this is a new contract or a new supplier, please can you provide me with a short list of suppliers that bid on this service/support contract?

I'm happy to receive this information in an email.


Response Sent: 6 October 2023

Full details of this response are provided in the attached document.


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