FOI release

FOI2023/00244: GCRF funding by discipline

Case reference FOI2023/00244

Published 1 August 2023


Request Received: 28 April 2023

Apologies for an email out of the blue but I'm writing at the suggestion of the SFC. As you'll see from my initial enquiry below, I am hoping it might be possible to have brief information about what proportion of GCRF funding was allocated to PIs in the discipline of English. SFC didn't have this information and suggested I contact UKRI.

Further details are in the text below, and I would be very grateful if you were able to forward this to an appropriate colleague. Here is the initial enquiry:

'I wonder if I could please ask for a piece of information about the way in which GCRF funding was awarded by discipline? I was fortunate to receive funding for a collaboration with the National University of Samoa from 2018 and, although my work is interdisciplinary, my home discipline is English: specifically, may I ask what percentage of GCRF awards during that year (and to date) have been awarded to PIs in English?


Response Sent: 22 May 2023

The proportion of GCRF grants awarded since 2018 and to date to PI's under the research topic English is around 1%. This is in line with expectations as GCRF was a challenge-based fund with a focus on interdisciplinarity research, and the fund was designed and classified programmes around six Challenge portfolios.

Further information on GCRF can be found here1.


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