FOI release

FOI2019/00004: Research Grants Panel Outcomes 2005-Present

This request was refused in full, so we didn't provide the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference FOI2019/00004

Published 2 July 2021


Request Received: 23 November 2019

I am writing to request the provisional titles, and holding organisations, for all grant applications reviewed by the Research Grants Panel(s) from 2005-present. I am aware that information pertaining to successful applications within the past five years is available via the AHRC website. However, the only information available regarding unsuccessful applications is their number per sitting. If it is cost-effective to do so, I also request to receive these in hard-copy, to the address below.


Response Sent: 12 December 2019

Under Section 21 - Information already reasonably accessible, of the FOIA the following information you have requested is already available in the public domain:

Titles and holding organisations for all successful grants can be searched for on Gateway to Research.

We have determined that the information you have requested in the second half of your request falls under Section 41 of the FOIA, information provided in confidence. To explain further, UKRI does not release detailed information related to unsuccessful applications or unfunded projects as this information has been provided to UKRI in confidence and therefore cannot be released. If the information was released, we believe it would result in an actionable breach of confidentiality.

Both Sections 21 and 41 are absolute exemptions and therefore there is no requirement to conduct a public interest test.


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