FOI release

FOI2020/00223: Personal Data Enquiry

Case reference FOI2020/00223

Published 23 June 2021


Request Received: 22 July 2020

1. Can I please have your records concerning the sales of personal data from 2019 and 2020, including trading partners and money earned from transactions?

2. Please can I have your records concerning the determining the price of personal data, for sales and sharing for the time period January 2019- Present.

3. What is your internal procedure for selling personal data? By this, I mean guidance given to internal staff and the buyer in question, for the time period of January 2019- Present.

4. What types of personal data do you sell and are there any limits placed on this? For the time period of January 2019- Present.

5. How many Subject Access Requests did you receive in the period 2017-2020, broken down by year? What types of personal data did they typically receive? For example, email addresses, home addresses and telephone numbers?


Response Sent: 10 September 2020

I can confirm UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) hold some of the information relevant to your request.

Please see the information below.

UKRI does not sell any personal data, and therefore we do not hold information in relation to the first four questions of your request.

We are able to provide the number of Subject Access Requests (SARs) received by UKRI since April 2018, when UKRI was formed.

To explain further, information on SARs prior to April 2018 is held separately by the individual Research Councils and their units, centres, or institutes.

We have determined that to extract and collate this information would exceed the 18 hours cost limit as outlined under Section 12 of the Freedom of Information Act, as each research council would have recorded this information in different locations, in different formats, and using their own filing systems.

The figures for the requests received since April 2018 are as follows;

• 2018: 44

• 2019: 55

• 2020: 27 (to date)

The types of data provided varies by request, as it is dependent on what the data subject requires with each request managed on a case-by-case basis.


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