FOI release

FOI2020/00211: Results/Findings for successful bids

Case reference FOI2020/00211

Published 25 June 2021


Request Received: 13 July 2020

Your reply to my above FOI Request showed that 8 successful bids for grant application regarding Benzodiazepine Research had been awarded from 1970 to 2020.

Could I therefore submit a further FOI Request : Your listed 8 successful bids will all have published their findings / results and I would appreciate full copies please of said findings / results ?


Response Sent: 30 July 2020

I can confirm UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) hold some of the information relevant to your request. Please see the information below.

These eight successful bids all ended before online record keeping systems were in use. Researchers on these grants would have had to submit an end of grant report which would typically identify key findings from the research, including publication references.

UKRI do not hold information on the two oldest projects, G8717096/1 and G8804590/1. These records have been lost or destroyed. You may, however, be able to search on EuropePMC1 by researchers name and date for relevant publications associated with these projects.

The remaining six projects are currently stored as hard copies in an off-site storage facility, however at the time of writing we cannot access the information requested due to the restrictions currently imposed on the storage facility due to the Covid-19 pandemic. We hope that we may be in a position to gain access to these records in September and recommend that you resubmit your request after this time


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