FOI release

FOI2023/00616: 'Assessing Matrix' for current Innovate UK grant schemes

This request was refused in full, so we didn't provide the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference FOI2023/00616

Published 1 December 2023


Request Received: 16 August 2023

I have seen from previous published Freedom of Information requests to UKRI that the Assessing Matrix, used by Assessors to score bids, are available to be shared.

Please can you share with me, either under the FOI scheme or from Innovate UK support, the Assessing Matrix for all current Innovate UK grant schemes?

For reference these are the schemes listed on the Innovation Funding portal as of the 16th August 2023.

Clarification Requested: 17 August 2023

We have received your email from the Innovate Customer Support team listing 7 competitions for which you would like assessor matrix/scorecards. Please could you clarify if this is the full information you require or whether you are still interested in the Assessing Matrix for all current Innovate UK grant schemes listed on the Innovation Funding portal as of the 16th August 2023?

Clarification Response received: 17 August 2023

Please can I request them all current Innovate UK grant schemes listed on the Innovation Funding portal as of the 16th August 2023?

As an aside, it would probably save Innovate UK a lot of time if these were made available in the Supporting Information when the scheme was published and also the success rates for the scheme, based upon previous rounds, was also published for transparency.


Response Sent: 15 September 2023

Full details of this response are provided in the attached document.


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