FOI release

FOI2023/00271: Student summer placements at STFC in Science and Technology

Some or all of the information requested was not provided because we didn't hold it.

Case reference FOI2023/00271

Published 1 August 2023


Request received: 10 May 2023

Under the Freedom of Information Act, could you please provide me with the below information relating to STFC's summer placements for undergraduate students in Science and Technology, separately for each of the years 2019-2023 and separately also for each of RAL, Daresbury Laboratory and UK Astronomy technology centre (meaning, 2019 RAL, 2020 RAL, 2021 RAL, 2022 RAL, 2023 RAL, same for the other two centres).

Please limit the numbers to undergraduates who obtained their school qualifications at a UK educational institution.

- Number of applicants who obtained A levels/IB at a maintained/state school ('state school applicants')

- Number of applicants who obtained A levels/IB at an independent/ private school ('private school applicants')

- Number of state school applicants who received an offer for a summer placement

- Number of private school applicants who received an offer for a summer placement

Do you take type of school attended into consideration in decisions whether to make an offer for a summer placement? If so, which


Response sent: 07 June 2023

I can confirm that UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) do not hold any information relevant to your request.

STFC do not currently monitor this information; the information we currently capture is 'most relevant education'. We would also note that the education establishment attended isn't typically relevant when considering an application for a summer placement.


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