FOI release

EIR2020/00087: Features in Stretford Meadows

Case reference EIR2020/00087

Published 28 July 2021


Request Received: 22 March 2020

Recently when walking around a local outdoor recreational and area known as Stretford Meadows in Urmston, Manchester, I noticed pipes sticking out of the ground, some have regulators and some are recessed into manholes. Some of them have taps on top maybe for a gas monitor. Some have cowl/chimneys on top of them. This peaked my interest so I am reaching out to see if the BGS has any information on Stretford Meadows which could explain what these things are or any otherwise unknown historic use of the area. There is next to no information on Google, the only info can find is that it used to be a former tip called 'Lesley Road Landfill Site' and some reference to radioactive waste from parliament in the 1970's

Location is here:|Point_s_C|1&t=Point%20C&v=r

Any info you can provide would be great, the more data the better.


Response Sent: 21 April 2020

Full details of this response are provided in the attached documents


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