FOI release

FOI2021/00400: Potential of TYK2 / JAK1 inhibitor

Case reference FOI2021/00400

Published 1 October 2021


Request Received: 05 September 2021

The Project Status in respect of the captioned study indicates that the study is now 'Closed'. (

Please provide:

1) copies of all reports, communications and correspondence relating to the outcomes of the study,
2) copy of the final outturn report,
3) details of any further potential follow-on studies involving UKRI in respect of SDC-1801


Response Sent: 01 October 2021

We estimate that the cost of complying with your request would exceed the appropriate statutory limit as specified within Section 12 of the FOIA which for UKRI is set at £450. This represents the estimated cost of 18 hours of staff resource on locating, retrieving and extracting the information.

Initial email searches were conducted on all Innovate UK email accounts between 01/12/2020 - 05/09/2021 using the following search terms:

  • SDC-1801
  • SDC1801
  • TYK2
  • JAK1
  • 83721
  • Sareum

These searches returned 1,992 emails. It has been reasonably estimated it would take 2 minutes per email to consider if it falls within scope of your request, therefore we have determined that your request for correspondence at point 1 alone would exceed 66 hours to extract.

Consequently, UKRI is not obliged under Section 12 of the FOIA to respond to your request.

Under our section 16 duty to advise and assist, we would like to suggest refining your request by focusing on one question or narrowing the time frame and search terms used in the email searches above.


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