FOI release

FOI2024/00310: Geo-engineering Activities (NERC & STFC)

This request was refused in part, so we didn't provide some of the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference FOI2024/00310

Received 10 April 2024

Published 18 June 2024


Request Received: 10 April 2024

I am writing to submit a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) to the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) [and Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC)], which operates under UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).

My inquiry pertains to geo-engineering activities within the United Kingdom, with a specific focus on the following aspects:

• Funding: Please provide details of any government funding allocated to support research, development, or implementation of geo-engineering projects or initiatives within the UK over the past five years. This includes grants, contracts, or other financial support provided to NERC[/STFC] or any associated agencies for geo-engineering-related activities.

• Public Awareness and Consent: I kindly request information regarding any efforts made by NERC[/STFC] or UKRI to engage the public in discussions or consultations regarding geo-engineering activities. This encompasses any public awareness campaigns, consultations, or engagement initiatives conducted by NERC[/STFC], UKRI, or their affiliates concerning geo-engineering. Additionally, I am interested in summaries of public feedback received and responses provided.

• Involvement of Airliners: Please disclose any collaboration or involvement with commercial airliners or aviation companies in geo-engineering research, experimentation, or implementation within the UK. This includes partnerships, agreements, or projects involving airlines or aviation-related entities, as well as any regulatory oversight or coordination by NERC[/STFC] or UKRI in this context.

• Oversight by Independent Bodies: I request details of any oversight mechanisms or regulatory frameworks in place at NERC[/STFC] or UKRI to monitor geo-engineering activities within the UK. Specifically, I am interested in learning about any independent bodies, committees, or expert panels responsible for assessing the environmental, ethical, and safety implications of geo-engineering projects and providing recommendations or guidance to NERC[/STFC] or UKRI.

• Research Projects and Publications: Please provide a list of ongoing or completed geo-engineering research projects conducted or supported by NERC[/STFC] or UKRI, along with any associated publications, reports, or findings.

• International Collaborations: I kindly request details of any collaborations, partnerships, or cooperative initiatives with international organizations, research institutions, or foreign governments in the field of geo-engineering. Understanding international collaboration efforts can provide insights into global trends and best practices in geo-engineering research and development.

• Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategies: I am interested in learning about any risk assessments conducted for geo-engineering projects by NERC[/STFC] or UKRI, as well as strategies or protocols in place for mitigating potential risks or unintended consequences. This encompasses environmental, social, and geopolitical risks associated with geo-engineering interventions.

• Stakeholder Engagement: Please provide information on stakeholder engagement efforts related to geo-engineering activities at NERC[/STFC], UKRI, or their affiliates, including consultations with academic experts, industry representatives, environmental organizations, and community groups. Understanding stakeholder perspectives and involvement is essential for ensuring transparent and inclusive governance of geo-engineering initiatives.

• Policy Development and Regulation: I request details on any involvement or contributions by NERC[/STFC], UKRI, or their affiliates to the development of policy frameworks or regulations governing geo-engineering activities in the UK. This includes any recommendations or guidance provided to government bodies or regulatory agencies on geo-engineering-related matters.

I kindly request that the information be provided in electronic format where feasible. If any of the requested information is exempt from disclosure under the FOIA, please specify the exemption(s) relied upon and provide reasoning for withholding the information.


Response Sent: 9 May 2024

Full details of this response are provided in the attached document.


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