FOI2024/00777: Women in Innovation Award 2024/25
Case reference FOI2024/00777
Received 1 September 2024
Published 18 February 2025
Request Received: 1 September 2024
Request 1:
For Women in Innovation Award 2024/25, please could you release the following information:
1. The of applications.
2. The number of assessed applications.
3. The number of successful applications.
4. The success rate.
5. The minimum successful score.
6. The maximum successful score.
7. Maximum score of failed applications.
8. Mean average grant fund value per project.
9. Mean average score of funded projects. number
10. The score distributions of the applications (e.g. % (or number) of applications which scored <70, 70.1-75, 75.1-80, 80.1-85, 85.1-90, 90.1-95, 95.1-100).
11. The count of assessed applications by innovation area.
12. The count of successful projects by innovation area for each strand.
13. The count of assessed applications by research category (feasibility studies, industrial research, experimental development).
14. The count of successful projects by research category.
15. The number of unsuccessful applications, if any, which scored above the minimum funded score.
Request 2:
For Women in Innovation Award 2024/25: 4 million £ has been made available for the Women in Innovation Award 2024/25 Therefore:
1.Could you please provide an itemised breakdown of how this money has been/will be spent including individuals/organisations/businesses where appropriate?
2.Could you also please include how much was spent on assessor fees?
3.Where any contracts/payments have been awarded, please confirm the relevant procurement arrangements?
Request 3:
I would like to make a request information on the demographics of the assessors. Specifically, the age and gender identity of the assessors, who were involved in scoring:
•Innovate UK Smart grant competitions.
•The Women in Innovation awards.
(Specifically in the four years from October 2020 to November 2024).
Response Sent: 2 October 2024
Full details of this response are provided in the attached documents.
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