FOI release

FOI2020/00367: Re use of European Patent application 3380873A1, client: PBU (UK) Ltd

This request was refused in part, so we didn't provide some of the information the requester asked for. This may include information where we can neither confirm nor deny that we hold it.

Case reference FOI2020/00367

Published 26 May 2021


Request received: 28 October 2020

Re: Disclosure of information and documents in relation to the Innovate funded INFRAMONIT project.

(a)disclose copies of the Project application, grant offer, grant terms & conditions, and all other relevant contracts for the project, including the consortium agreement; and (b)disclose all relevant correspondence and documents it has had with Railview and the consortium members regarding (i) the Project funding (including any financial statements regarding the Project), (ii) use of the Patent during and after the Project, and (iii) future use of any intellectual property arising from the Project.


Response sent: 22 December 2020

Full details of the response are provided in the attached document(s).


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