FOI release

FOI2022/00063: Grant Claims/Project Change Requests

Case reference FOI2022/00063

Published 1 June 2022


Request Received: 17 February 2022

1. What is the target time to turn around a grant claim once it's been submitted please?

2. Is there a target for getting a Project Change Request approved?


Response Sent: 3 March 2022

I can confirm UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) hold information relevant to your request. Please see the information below.

1. What is the target time to turn around a grant claim once it's been submitted please?

Details on the target turnaround time can be found in the terms and conditions listed in the Grant Offer Letter (GOL) under the "Payment of Grant" section which is highlighted below.

"Innovate UK will normally pay the grant within 30 days, unless we need further information to support the claim. We agree to raise requests for further information, if any, within 14 days of receiving the claim"

It should be noted that the 30 days begins when Monitoring Officer (MO) approval has been provided.

2. Is there a target for getting a Project Change Request approved?

Due to the various types of change requests and the complexity behind certain ones there is no fixed service level agreement (SLA). We aim for 30 days from MO submission to Innovate UK but that can vary if we require further checks and information.


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