FOI release

FOI2022/00336: Smart Grant Funding Opportunities

Case reference FOI2022/00336

Published 30 January 2023


Request Received: 4 October 2022

Clarification Received: 2 November 2022

Recently, several UK companies asked us a help or information about the Inn UK Smart Grant funding opportunity. We appreciated the wealth of accurate high-quality information on your website, and I'm writing today to ask just a few final questions to complete the collection of the necessary info and clarify some doubts. Here are my still open items:

1. average success rate for Stream 1 and Stream 2, number of submissions per cutoff for each stream

2. average budget allocated by Inn UK per cutoff: is it on average 25ML?

3. can the obligatory independent accountant in charge of auditing the project costs be non-UK? Or this doesn't really matter to you?

4. Co-funding: I read in the guidelines that: "you and any project partners will fund their contribution to the project and ensure that this is in place, ready for the latest possible start date". Is there any obligation of practically showing this financial availability? Will Innovate UK check it and how?

5. Co-Investment: the guidelines and terms of the Grant Agreement say: "we reserve the right to request data relating to co-investment from You on an ongoing basis for the duration of the project, or as otherwise specified by Innovate UK, and for up to five years from the end date of the project. The company and its partners will need to find (from any source) and evidence the remaining 30% of costs over the course of the project." How is the company expected to evidence the co-funding in your experience? The questions on co-funding and co-investment are key for us to (re)direct well the potential applicants that ask for a pre-screening.

Would it be possible to receive a Word/editable doc file of the application template?


Response Sent: 21 December 2022

Full details of this response are provided in the attached documents.


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