FOI release

FOI2021/00388: MRC Grant File (1971)

Some or all of the information requested was not provided because we didn't hold it.

Case reference FOI2021/00388

Published 5 November 2021


Request Received: 25 August 2021

I have been looking for a MRC Grant application from 1971. The grant number is G/971/288/C and the title of the project: 'a behavioural approach to obsessional neurosis'. The grant was awarded to Dr. Stanley Rachman, who was working as a clinical psychologist at the Institute of Psychiatry at the time.

I cannot find the MRC file relating to the above grant at the National Archives. This is strange as I have been able to access two other MRC-funded grants relating to Rachman's work (in collaboration with Issac Marks)- both of which I submitted, and was granted, an FOI request.

The MRC should have reference to all the grants awarded. Any details relating to Rachman's 1971 grant (G/971/288/C) would be greatly appreciated. I've looked everywhere- and it would be extremely unlikely that any record of this application wasn't in existence/had been destroyed!


Response Sent: 15 September 2021

UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) do not hold the information relevant to your request. Please see the information below.

The MRC hold no record of the grant reference number G/971/288/C. In our attempts to locate this file searches were conducted of the MRC Legacy file plan for physical records held offsite, the National Archives catalogue and our own records of which MRC files are held there, appraisal and review work files (dating from circa 2010), destruction lists (from circa 2010) and our lists of identified lost files.

According to the MRC retention schedule, successful applications are transferred to the National Archives and unfunded applications are destroyed after three years, however due to the file requested dating back to 1971, and there being no mention of it in MRC records, we are unable to provide any further information.


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