FOI release

EIR2021/00439: Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Case reference EIR2021/00439

Published 1 December 2021


Request Received: 29 September 2021

I am writing to you under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information Regulations 2004 to request the following information about greenhouse gas emissions data. Please provide this information in excel format, if possible. Within this FOI if the response is <5 and an exact value cannot be provided, please clarify whether the value is zero or non-zero. Hence any response of <5 will be interpreted as 1-4.

Over the past 6 financial years (from 2015-2016, to 2020-2021 or until the most recent financial year you have data on), please could you provide me with the following information:

1) Greenhouse gas emissions emitted by the Ministry/Department as a whole for each of these financial years (in tonnes Co2e, or in the units the Department typically records them only if this previous metric is not used);

a) In addition to this data and separately from it, please provide the breakdown of this previous data on emissions for each of these years (in tonnes Co2e, or in the units the Department typically records them only if this previous metric is not used), which fall under:

i) Scope 1 emissions;
ii) Scope 2 emissions; and
iii) Scope 3 emissions.


Response Sent: 22 October 2021

Full details of this response are provided in the attached document.


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