FOI release

FOI2022/00102: Researchfish and bullying

Case reference FOI2022/00102

Published 20 April 2022


Request Received: 21 March 2022

I see with great concern that Researchfish have been aggressively threatening academics for example they responded to a Professor who asked the simple question 'What's "Researchfish"', with the threat "We understand that you're not keen on reporting on your funding through Researchfish but this seems quite harsh and inappropriate. We have shared our concerns with your funder." (exchange here:

I would therefore like to make the following FOI request:

1. Do UKRI have a bullying and harassment policy? If so, can I have a copy of it?

2. Has any assessment of the above exchange (or similar ones with the threat to 'share concerns with your funder') been assessed for whether this is bullying/harassment and/or if it is compliant with any policy you have? If so can I have a copy of emails/minutes/details of discussion of this?


Response Sent: 20 April 2022

Full details of this response are provided in the attached document.


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