FOI release

EIR2022/00311: Fracking commissioned by DBEIS 2022 (IDA 288836)

Case reference EIR2022/00311

Published 3 October 2022


Request Received: 27 September 2022

Dear British Geological Survey,

I'd like to be sent a copy of the report on any new scientific evidence arising from fracking commissioned from the BGS by DBEIS earlier this year


Response Sent: 3 October 2022

Our ref: IDA 288836

Thank you for your Freedom of Information request for the report, written for the UK Government, on Recent scientific advances in the understanding of induced seismicity from hydraulic fracturing of shales. Because the request concerns environmental information it has been considered under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004. The report has been published by BEIS and is therefore in the public domain. You can access it here and there are some frequently asked questions answered on our web page here

Kind regards

The BGS Enquiries Service


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