FOI release

FOI2019/00018: Use of Taxi's

Case reference FOI2019/00018

Published 2 July 2021


Request Received: 6 December 2019

1. What is the STFC and UKRI policy for using Taxi's?

1a. Are they the same?

1b. If they are different what are the differences?

2. What is the UKRI STFC policy on using taxi's for travel around the Harwell campus in Oxfordshire. Just to confirm my question, what is the policy for people using private taxi's for travelling from building to building on [inside] the Harwell campus?


Response Sent: 2 January 2020

1, 1a, and 1b: The provisions covering the use of taxis are as set out in the UKRI Travel, Subsistence & Expenses policy. STFC does not have a separate policy on taxi use or a local policy covering the use of taxis on the Harwell campus.

2. STFC provides tours on site for VIP Visits. Local Taxi companies are not used for this purpose as the cost is prohibitive and there are areas where access is not permissible for them, however in-house Lab Drivers have no restrictions and are more familiar of the geography of the site and its history.


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