Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,058 disclosures

  1. Request received: 06 December 2023

    I would like to request the following information about an India - UK collaborative R&D for industrial sustainability

    1. Number of applications received

    2. Number of applications that did not get assessed due to failing to meet the grant criteria

    3. Number of applications offered funding under the call

    4. Percentage of budget allocated for both themes:

    a. Sustainable materials and manufacturing

    b. Power electronics, machines and drives

    Published: 21 February 2024

  2. Request Received: 15 December 2023

    Further to a similar request earlier this year [FOI2023/00721], I would like to request the following information under the FOI Act.

    For the Arts and Humanities Research Council:

    Please state how many applications for standard response (or 'responsive') mode research funding (excluding new investigator grants) were considered by the AHRC in total in 2022-23, and the total amount of funding requested by these bids.

    Please also state what number and proportion of total funding bids were screened out via any shortlisting process prior to panel decisions, and what number of bids went through the panel stage.

    Please also state how many projects were funded, and the total amount of funding awarded. Please state the following in both absolute terms and in proportional terms (ie, the percentage of bids approved & the percentage of money requested that was granted)

    Published: 19 February 2024

  3. Request Received: 11 February 2022

    Please could I politely request details of the amount of funding Innovate UK provide to each Agri-Epi Centre and the conditions of the funding that must be met by the receiving centre.

    Published: 5 February 2024

  4. Request Received: 31 August 2023

    Can I please get a copy of the justification/case and analysis that led to the UKRI 2022 pay offer that is currently being deliberated by the Unions?

    Published: 1 February 2024

  5. Request Received: 3 November 2023

    I'd like to know the following information for UK Research & Innovation:

    Please provide a figure for the number of a) laptops and b) mobile phones that were:

    • Disposed of or recycled via a third-party contractor.

    • Donated and refurbished for reuse.

    • Lost or stolen.

    • Damaged or otherwise unaccounted for.

    Published: 1 February 2024

  6. Request Received: 5 October 2023

    I am trying to better understand the funding process, and portfolio approach of Innovate UK. Specifically, for the Innovation Loans Future Economy competitions in 2022/2023 - Rounds 7 to 10:

    • Round 7 (Competition opened: Thursday 10 November 2022, Competition closes: Wednesday 11 January 2023)

    • Round 8 (Competition opened: Friday 13 January 2023, Competition closes: Wednesday 8 March 2023)

    • Round 9 (Competition opened: Thursday 11 May 2023, Competition closes: Wednesday 12 July 2023)

    • Round 10 (Competition opened: Saturday 15 July 2023, Competition closes: Wednesday 13 September 2023)

    Could you kindly provide the following application information, split by Rounds 7 to 10:

    1. Total number of applications.

    2. Total number of applications ineligible for assessment.

    3. Total number of successful applications.

    4. Total number of applications considered a resubmission of a previous application.

    5. Total number of successful applications which were considered a resubmission of a previous application.

    6. The score of the lowest scoring funded project.

    7. The score of the highest scoring funded project.

    8. The score of the highest non-funded project.

    9. The average (mean) score of funded projects.

    10. Average loan value for funded projects.

    11. The number of assessed applications by theme area: Net Zero, Health and Wellbeing, Next generation digital technologies, Technology families.

    12. The number of successful applications by theme area: Net Zero, Health and Wellbeing, Next generation digital technologies, Technology families.

    13. The number of projects invited to a detailed credit analysis check.

    14. The number of projects invited to detailed credit analysis check (as in Q13) but not funded due to credit analysis results or a failure to meet loan offer conditions.

    15. The number of applications progressed to detailed credit analysis but not funded due to withdrawal.

    Published: 1 February 2024

  7. Request Received: 23 October 2023

    I have a question regarding the Net Zero Hydrogen Fund.

    Constraint Payments are currently paid to energy companies such as SSE Renewables. Their wind farm at Gordonbush is currently one of the highest recipients for these payments (more than £22 million to date).

    Will SSE continue to receive constraint payments on the electricity that is used for the production of hydrogen under their application to the DESNEZ scheme?

    Published: 1 February 2024

  8. Request Received: 7 November 2023

    I hope this email finds you well. I am currently working on a research project aimed at mapping the stakeholders involved in AMR (Antimicrobial Resistance) research and development from 2019 to 2023 within the UK government. AMR is a significant global health challenge, and understanding the funding and initiatives related to this issue is a crucial part of my research.

    I am writing to request information about the funding and initiatives related to AMR research and development within your department. Specifically, I would appreciate your assistance in providing the following details.

    1. The total budget allocated to AMR-related research and development within your department for the [specific fiscal year(s) if applicable].

    2. Details of any specific AMR-related programs, projects, or initiatives that your department is currently funding or planning to fund.

    3. Contact information for the relevant individuals or departments within your organization who oversee AMR-related funding and initiatives.

    This information will be invaluable for my research and will contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the landscape of AMR stakeholders within the UK government.

    Published: 1 February 2024

  9. Request Received: 19 November 2023

    In an attempt to move beyond anecdotal evidence about severe pressure on the peer-review system, we would like to assess the resilience of the peer review system using time-series metrics. As such, we are writing to NERC with a data request.

    Would it be possible for you to provide the following data for each submission NERC has received?

    • The submission date [i.e. call close date]

    • Whether the submission was sent out to review or not? (Y/N)

    • The date the submission was sent out to review

    • How many reviewers were contacted about that submission

    • How many reviewers returned a review for that submission

    • The date the submission received the required number of reviews

    We seek this information for as long a time period as you are able to provide, depending on your records - covering as many funding calls as you have data available for. However, we wish to only consider the first round of reviews, and so data on subsequent rounds of reviews of an amended submission is not needed. We do not require any information about the authors, or the contents of the submission itself.

    Published: 29 January 2024

  10. Request Received: 20 November 2023

    I would like to make a request for the following information on the demographics of the assessors (specifically the age and gender identity of the assessors) who scored in the Innovate UK Smart grant competitions, The Women in Innovation awards specifically in the three years from October 2020 to November 2023.

    I would also like to request the demographics of the assessors who scored the last two Innovation in Professional & Financial Services competitions as well as the demographics of the applicants and the demographics of the successful applications specifically to these two competitions (closing date 27th September 2023 and closing date 9th November 2022).

    Published: 29 January 2024