Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,058 disclosures

  1. Request received: 29 March 2023

    I am writing to request a copy of all publicly available data regarding grant application #10010293.

    I would like to request a copy of the application documents and all supporting documents that were submitted with the application. Additionally, I would like to request the judiciary committee's comments on the application, as well as any other relevant documents that pertain to the application. Please see the following detailed information on the grant application:

    Competition Reference: 2101_SMART_JAN

    Competition Title: Innovate UK Smart Grants January 2021

    Programme Title: Innovate UK Smart Grants: 2020/21 (6-18 months) Round 8

    Application Number: 10010293

    Project Number: 10010293

    Project Title: Decision support system for recommending EGFR-inhibiting drugs

    Innovate UK Product Type: Feasibility Studies

    Participant Name: PRECIOUS MD LTD

    Published: 28 June 2023

  2. Request received: 27 February 2023

    I work for Dark Matter, an organisation that is running a long-term research study into digital transformation and cloud technologies in the public sector.

    We'd like to explore the sector's relationship with data, strategies for data modernisation and how it is collected, stored, and categorised. We will also look into data usage, standardisation, open data, and transparency data.

    We would like to make a Freedom of Information (FOI) request and ask you to answer the questions in the attached spreadsheet. There is the option to answer questions in a dedicated column or you may highlight the intended answer.

    Published: 27 June 2023

  3. Request Received: 10 March 2023

    I am requesting under the Freedom of Information act the following, to aid with my understanding of the current process for assessing and determining an organization's suitability for funding with regards to the Innovation Loan competition stream - including the credit analysis steps.

    In a similar vein to (FOI2022/00161 and subsequent IR2022/00188), I am seeking the including the assessor scoring matrix and training materials relating to the Innovation Loans Future Economy Competition - Round 8

    (Competition opens: Friday 13 January 2023

    Competition closes: Wednesday 8 March 2023 11:00am).

    Specifically, I am writing to request:

    1) the scoring criteria / assessment matrix for the assessment of the Application questions (1-6) within the Innovate UK portal (1. Applicant location (not scored); 2. Project proposal; 3. Market opportunity; 4. Project delivery; 5. Project risks; 6. Project costs and value for money).

    2) the scoring criteria / assessment matrix for the assessment of the Business and financial information (Part B of your loan application)

    3) A detailed step-by-step description of the process decision pathway followed by the employee/representative of Innovate UK Loans Ltd's credit team to assess the organisation suitability to receive a loan - including a detailed description of the financial / risk calculations performed in order to determine:

    * affordable to your business

    * appropriate for debt finance

    * supported by a management team with sufficient technical, financial and commercial expertise

    * in need of financial support from the public sector.

    Where relevant please include the absolute parameters considered and minimum threshold values/assessment criteria for financial health.

    4) A detailed step-by-step description of the process decision pathway and assessment parameters for the detailed credit analysis phase.

    5) The training documentation provided to IUK employees for performing credit analysis.

    If information relating to round 8 is not available due to active assessment, information from a previous closed round (4, 5, 6, 7) will likely work.

    Published: 21 June 2023

  4. Request Received: 19 April 2023

    I would like to make a FoI request of UKRI (AHRC). It relates to the AHRC Standard Research Grants Scheme (non-early careers route), over the period 1 May 2021 - 30 April 2023.

    How many applications that were considered by the panel in this date range:

    • received peer reviewers' scores of 6,6,6 and were funded

    • received peer reviewers' scores of 6,6,6 and were not funded

    • received peer reviewers' scores of 6,6,5 and were funded

    • received peer reviewers' scores of 6,6,5 and were not funded

    • received peer reviewers' scores of 6,5,5 and were funded

    • received peer reviewers' scores of 6,5,5 and were not funded

    • received peer reviewers' scores of 5,5,5 and were funded

    • received peer reviewers' scores of 5,5,5, and were not funded.

    For each of these 8 categories, how many of the applications were led by post-92 institutions, how many by Russell group institutions, and how many by 'other'?

    Published: 13 June 2023

  5. Request Received: 12 April 2023

    1. In the last 10 years, what UKRI funded projects have led to NAMS being validated and approved by UK and Global Regulatory bodies.

    2. Have you an estimate of how many and what species of animals have been saved by these UKRI funded projects.

    Published: 13 June 2023

  6. Date Received: 17 February 2023

    Your request:

    Re the Medical Research Council: I note that you advance in the region of £800 million annually in research grants and career awards.

    (1) For 2022 could you please advise the total amount granted for research involving, the use of live animals, licenced under ASPA 1986. For the same year, could you please, let me know, the amounts granted to develop human relevant research which would reduce/replace the use of animals.

    (2) For MRC-funded research grants involving (in full or part) the less commonly used species of dogs for 2022 could you please let me know the amount of grants awarded.

    Re: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)

    (1) For 2021 and 2022 could you please advise the total amount granted for research involving, the use of live animals, licenced under ASPA 1986. For the same years, could you please, let me know, the amounts granted to develop human relevant research which would reduce/replace the use of animals.

    (2) For BBSRC-funded research grants involving (in full or part) the less commonly used species of dogs for 2021 and 2022 could you please let me know the amount of grants awarded.

    (3) Can you please tell me who, if any, are licenced establishments owned by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC). Does the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) hold, in its own right, an Establishment Licence under ASPA 1986.

    The Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

    (1) For 2021 and 2022 could you please advise the total amount granted for research involving, the use of live animals, licenced under ASPA 1986. For the same years, could you please, let me know, the amounts granted to develop human relevant research which would reduce/replace the use of animals.

    (2) For EPSRC -funded research grants involving (in full or part) the less commonly used species of dogs for 2021 and 2022 could you please let me know the amount of grants awarded.

    (3) Can you please tell me who, if any, are licenced establishments owned by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Does the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) hold, in its own right, an Establishment Licence under ASPA 1986.

    Innovate UK

    (1) For 2021 and 2022 could you please advise the total amount granted for research involving, the use of live animals, licenced under ASPA 1986. For the same years, could you please, let me know, the amounts granted to develop human relevant research which would reduce/replace the use of animals.

    (2) For Innovate UK-funded research grants involving (in full or part) the less commonly used species of dogs for 2021 and 2022 could you please let me know the amount of grants awarded.

    (3) Can you please tell me who, if any, are licenced establishments owned by Innovate UK. Does Innovate UK hold, in its own right, an Establishment Licence under ASPA 1986.

    Published: 8 June 2023

  7. Request Received: 18 January 2023

    Received via Twitter

    Dear @UKRI_News In this article from last April, you stated that your assessment of the data protection considerations of sharing individuals' information with @researchfish would be "concluded shortly." Please can I have a copy?

    Additional request received 15/02/23:

    Please can you add the internal communications about my FOI request to date detailing the discussion that led to such a conclusion (the consideration of exemptions 36 and 42), and the dates that these communications were made, to the FOI request

    Published: 8 June 2023

  8. Request Received: 11 May 2023

    Has any licence or funding been given or contributed by the Government of the time, from 2012 onwards to use Great Apes in research either in the UK, in UK territories or in other sovereign countries?" Please detail the licence, the funding and the purpose of the research and where the research was carried out. Where are the results published please?

    Has the UK Government asked the EU to permit the use of Great Apes in research since 2012 and under what conditions? What funding and licences including those for Great Apes in the wild or in Zoos or in conservation has the UK Government funded or contributed to since 2012 in the UK, in UK territories and in sovereign countries? For what purposes have these licences been given? Where have the results been published?

    What licences has UK Government provided or allowed since 2022 to the present day to allow research of any kind on Great Apes in the wild, in Zoos or conservation in the UK, in UK territories and in sovereign countries? What funding or contributory funding has the government made or allocated to such research?

    Published: 8 June 2023

  9. Request Received: 14 February 2023

    For the following competition could you kindly provide:
    Innovate UK Smart Grants: July 2022
    (Competition opened: Thursday 28 July 2022, Competition closed: Thursday 3 November 2022).

    Split into the 2 streams where possible:
    - <18 month stream [<£500k]
    - >18 month stream

    Application data:

    1. Total number of applications

    2. Total number of applications ineligible for assessment

    3. Total number of successful applications

    4. Total number of applications considered a resubmission of a previous application

    5. Total number of successful applications which were considered a resubmission of a previous application

    6. The success rate

    7. The score of the lowest-scoring funded project

    8. The score of the highest-scoring funded project

    9. The score of the highest non-funded project

    10. The average (mean) score of funded projects

    11. Average grant fund value of funded projects

    12. The score distributions of the applications (e.g. % (or number) of applications which scored <70, 70.1-75, 75.1-80, 80.1-85, 85.1-90, 90.1-95, 95.1-100)

    13. The number of assessed applications by research category

    14. The number of successful projects by research category

    15. The number of assessed applications by innovation area

    16. The number of successful projects by innovation area.

    17. The number of unsuccessful applicants, if any, which scored above the minimum funded score

    Published: 6 June 2023

  10. Request Received: 2 May 2023

    Full copies of application forms along with any supporting information submitted by Study Hall LTD for their COVID-19 Future Fund grant.

    Clarification received: 05/05

    I would be interested seeing Study Hall LTD Smart Grants information you hold.

    Published: 6 June 2023