Freedom of information (FOI) releases from UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)

This is a disclosure log of UK Research and Innovation's responses to freedom of information (FOI) or environmental information regulations (EIR) requests that might be of wider public interest.

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1,058 disclosures

  1. Request Received: 8 February 2023

    I'm in the process of trying to put together some information for students on their chances of getting a full studentship for their PhD, and I was keen to know whether you have any data on the percentage of applicants that receive funding? I did come across this: but I'm aware that it doesn't refer exclusively to studentships, so probably wouldn't be as helpful for prospective PhD candidates.

    I assume that applications for the current cycle are still being processed, so would you be able to supply data for 2021/22?

    Published: 6 June 2023

  2. Request Received: 13 February 2023

    Freedom of Information Act 2000 Request

    I am writing to request the following information to UKRI funding given to SeeQuestor, project reference 971716

    * A copy of any document outlining the purpose, aims and methods of the project
    * A copy of any document examining the outcomes and results of the project
    * A copy of any associated data protection or equalities impact asessment

    I would like all document sent electronically please. Under Section 16 of the Act I also ask that if this request cannot be fulfilled under the legislation, that you please offer advice and assistance to help the request comply with the act. I look forward to your response within 20 working days.

    Published: 6 June 2023

  3. Request Received: 13 March 2023

    I would like to make a FoI release request on the amount of students funded by UKRI grants who request an interruption for their studentship. In particular, I would be interested in finding out what percentage of interruptions last 4 months or less, a breakdown by percentage of reasons for interruption (un/paid sick leave, parental leave, internship etc), and how many sick leave interruptions take longer than 4 months. Additionally, I would like to know which percentage of students who receive an interruption apply for a second interruption during the duration of their programme. The FoI release should include every year for which UKRI keeps track of this data, up to the current academic year. I would prefer to receive the data electronically, to the current email address.

    Published: 6 June 2023

  4. Request Received: 22 February 2023

    I'm writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information Act. My request relates to the net zero London to New York flight detailed on here [].

    I'm writing to request the following.

    1) A full breakdown of how the up to £1 million in government funding for the project will be spent.

    2) A copy of Virgin Atlantic's proposal for the project.

    3) Any correspondence in which the funding recommendation by Innovate UK for Virgin Atlantic's proposal was discussed.

    Clarification Received: 22 March 2023

    Correspondence search terms of "Virgin" AND "net zero" AND "transatlantic flight" between 14.05.22 and 16.12.22

    Published: 5 June 2023

  5. Response Received: 1 March 2023

    Can you please share the 2023 Budget report. The given response does not have 2023 information.

    -- Procurement Strategy and Business plan is missing in your response. Please provide.

    Published: 1 June 2023

  6. Request Received: 18 March 2023

    I am writing to file a FOI request. I would like to know about project ref EP/X022668/1 (budget £204,031), Proposal title "Storifying Political Communication: Populist Oscillation, Popular Culture and Performance." I would like:

    1) Copies of progress reports sent to UKRI by the investigators (Drs. Santamaria and Sandvoss)

    2) Copies of or links to their published findings,

    3) To know if the project has or had any involvement with UK or foreign government departments, such as the Home or Foreign Office,

    4) Whether the project discusses dis- or misinformation,

    5) Whether Nexus magazine is mentioned in the research of the investigators (e.g., in their proposal, reports, or publications),

    6) Whether T.J. Coles is mentioned in reports etc.

    7) The year in which the grant was awarded and the duration of the project.

    Published: 1 June 2023

  7. Request Received: 24 March 2023

    I am writing to request information regarding Station B on Deception Island in the South Shetland Islands.

    Specifically my question relates to Priestly House, erected in 1966. The station was abandoned in 1969 due to volcanic activity, though I note that Argentina still maintains a seasonal base (Deception Base) on the island.

    The BAS site states that when RRS John Biscoe visited Deception in 1985 Priestly house was found to be 'missing'.

    My questions therefore are:

    1. Is this the case? ie is Priestly House no longer there?

    2. Has any investigation been led into the whereabouts of Priestly House, whether it was dismantled or destroyed or by whom? If so what we're the findings?

    3. Considering 1985 (when it was found to be missing) was shortly after the Falklands War it is likely that it was removed / destroyed by Argentina to prevent reoccupation of Base B by the BAS - does any information point to this being the case? Was it ever asked or admitted to?

    4. If Argentina was found to have destroyed part of a British base between 1969 and 1985 (a period covered by the Antarctic Treaty) what are the implications for the Treaty?

    Published: 1 June 2023

  8. Request Received: 1 April 2023

    Please disclose, preferably by PDF, a copy of any communications received from:

    (a) Public Health Scotland over the study in partnership with it;

    (b) the UKHSA over the study in partnership with it that is referred to here:

    Published: 1 June 2023

  9. Request Received: 6 February 2023

    Medical Research Council

    For 2022, re Animal Use under ASPA 1986

    1) May I have the number of scientific procedures undertaken and split between species during the year.

    2) Could you please provide a numerical breakdown of the severity classification for procedures carried out.

    Please split between sub threshold, mild, moderate, severe and non-recovery. These will be the figures provided by project license holders in the annual returns to the Home Office.

    3) Please can you tell me the number and species of animals, that were killed without being used for regulated procedures? To be clear these would be the figures last published in 2017 re Additional statistics on breeding and genotyping of animals for scientific procedures, Great Britain 2017, under EU Directive (2010/63/EU).

    Additional statistics on breeding and genotyping of animals for scientific procedures, Great Britain 2017 - GOV.UK (

    4) Were any animals rehomed in 2022? If so, please may I have their number and species.

    5) Do you reconcile the statistics each project licence holder compiles for the annual returns to the data the Establishment separately collects?

    6) Can you please tell me for 2021 and 2022 how many project licences the Animal Welfare Ethical Review Body (AWERB) for your Establishment reviewed and decided to prevent them continuing for Home Office approval, this may be because for instance they identified a New Approach Methodology that could be used instead of animals.

    If any of this data is already published on your website, please can you direct me to the URL.

    Published: 1 June 2023

  10. Request Received: 25 March 2023

    I would like to make a request for the following information relating to the licensing agreement with Quantum Detectors for the Merlin detector hardware technology.

    1. What is the royalty rate?

    2. Is there an upfront fee? If yes, what is it?

    3. What is the duration of the licensing agreement?

    4. What is the license property?

    5. What is the license territory?

    6. Are there any milestone payments? If yes, what are they?

    7. Is the license exclusive or non-exclusive?

    Published: 1 June 2023